Doing ok. Having a hard time with life since HPV diagnosis. People say my life isn't over but I have lost friends because of it. Life just doesn't seem real anymore.
Why would friends break up with you over this?!
Because they are afraid of catching it just by touching me or anything I touch. Truth is I don't need them anyway, they don't want to understand or even take the time to learn about it. I'm better off without them.
Thanx. I'll check it out.
Well this isn't posted in the herpes group, if you look at my original post you'll see I posted it in HPV group. What's it matter as long as we're supporting each other, but sorry if your offended by my post being shared. Have a great day.
I'm sorry I was trying to respond to a comment that someone posted, not your comment, and I was honestly just curious if there were more similarities than I realized. I got diagnosed too, and you know, just curious because I thought that u can get herpes from someone even if you already have HPV, so just thought there might be something I didn't know
I'm unclear about that as well, but from what I've heard you can get herpes even if you already have HPV
Thanx I'll look into it...
Herpes is not HPV they are two diffrent things don't get them confused. Yes you can get both at the same time as they two diffrent things just like you can get other stuff at the same time. Your friend was not a real friend if they ditched you because of your HPV my best friend was supportive to me and kept me thinking positive. I took Aldara and it cleared the external ones i still have internal ones but at least the visable ones are not showing again so far. HPV does not mean your life is over, please be aware the warts can be cleared, it the HPV itself that can possibley go in 2 years or be with you for life. There is no medical cure for HPV but it can cure it self on some people after x amount of years. Also it may never go away depends all on your immune system strengh. Hold you head high your life is only over if you make it over.
Just to tack on, actually having HPV stick around for life is very, very rare. In the vast majority of people it will simply go away on it's own (the virus still may be there or not, but if it is it will be at an undetectable level...kinda similar to chicken pox. You get it once, it goes away, and you can't infect anyone may just take a little while. ) Also, your friends have either an active infection or have had one in their lifetime. 80% of adults have had a run in with HPV.