Hi, I'm 16 years old and I've been conflicted lately. As long as I've been alive, I've gone to church with my family, but I'm not so sure if I want to anymore.
This year, four of my friends told me that they were gay/bi and I completely support them. According to my Christian faith and my family, being homosexual is a complete choice and a sinful choice at that. I don't agree with this, and I don't know if I can continue to go to church each and every week when my values are completely different. The tricky part is telling my family. Either I can tell them now and go through living hell for the rest of my life or wait until I leave for college (after next year) and begin living hell then.
There are other reasons why I disagree with the Christian belief system, but I don't want to get into all of the details now. The bottom line is that I can't stand being at church anymore, and every time I go, it turns into a horrible experience.
I would like to hear from some parents, if possible. Even if you disagreed with your child's decisions, would you still want to hear them? Also, do you think that now is the time to confront my family?
Thanks :]