I know I have a low self esteem problem. I'm currently reading a book called life is too short, by Abraham Twerski. My problem I just recently discovered as it was pointed out to me by my current g/f. I over analyze situations because I'm afraid I'll be wrong. I'm pessimistic because I think of every possible outcome and choose the worst one in order to be prepared for the worst. I realize these have caused me to isolate myself from society. I'm looking for a way out, or at least start working on dissipating these factors so I can stop existing and start living again. Yes, She is a wonderful woman. I'm not only doing this for me but for her. I do realize there's a possibility that I won't see the same thing I see in her by the time I've worked out my issues.
Deciantis, Improving oneself is never a negative. Jump right in and get to living life again. If your lady is the right one to be in your life nothing will change it, if not it's best to know. Isolation only intesifies any problem we have. I hope you continue to share your feelings here. You will find the most caring people here and we'll see you through your journey. Many Hugs, Raylene