Don't know what to call this

I don't know how to start this so I'll just go. Everyday that I get out of my house online or physically I meet new people, see new or different point of views. Many people think my PoVs are wrong. I think many people's are wrong. Everyone of us seems to live in our own separate reality from one another. And all of our realities seem to be "correct".

I used to think that finding the "true" reality was possible. That if I just experienced life enough, contemplated long enough, studied hard enough I could achieve this. That we all could. I interpreted religions especially as promoting their dogmas as "true" realities. I interpreted all life like if I could just find and follow all the rules I would become "enlightened". Life wouldn't confuse or hurt me anymore.

But it seems to me that there is no rhyme or reason. There is no "true" reality. Not one of our perspectives is more right than another. I saw an example once of 2 boys fighting so the teacher had them stand on each side of a ball and asked them what color it was. One said white, one said black and they were both correct. Each of them was only able to see one side of the same ball at a time and it was indeed a black and white ball.

So many people I've interacted with don't like me. No matter what I do, no matter who I try to be only a handful out of the people I can remember meeting like me or enjoy my company or opinions.

The stupid part, maybe because of my BPD maybe because I am deep down a narcissistic and self-centered person after all, is that when anyone shows that they like me I am on top of the world. I become a balloon inflated with happiness and the feeling of importance. I feel validated and "correct". I want to be important. I want to be liked. We all do. I think I am just either obsessed or starved for it.

So when I experience people not like me, especially when I've recently or am experiencing people liking me... it's like a punch in the stomach. All I can think is, "wait... I thought I was finally doing something right? mean I am still bad and wrong?" The best question to ask myself might be "Why do I feel like I am bad or wrong at the slightest mistake or provocation? What happened or didn't happen in my childhood to cause this idea?" I don't know, that's another topic I think.

And when I feel like someone likes me, I throw open the doors to myself with welcoming arms. I am an open book. I don't gradually learn to like and trust someone like people with successful social lives seem to. If you are on my friends list or in my phone book you are my friend and part of my life. But that sentiment is not reciprocated or welcomed. I'm like a fucking dog. And I think this behavior scares many people off.

I don't mean to. And I don't mean to hurt anyone with my opinions or my words. I don't have a single ill intention when I talk to someone. I don't want to use or cheat them. I don't want any information or bond so I can use it later for my own advantage. When I read about aristocracy or whatever, they seem to have played a game of scheming for advantages, pretending friendships and whatnot for an edge.

Sometimes I say something in a conversation, maybe random maybe not and it seems to me that the person I am talking to is looking for some kind of meaning or importance for why I brought it up. Like I am scheming somehow. But it was a silence filler. That's one reason I admire my brother. He never gossips, never feels a need to fill a silence or express something he feels or thinks. He never says anything he doesn't want or need to say. I wish I could be like that. I still wouldn't have a lot of friends but I wouldn't be making myself vulnerable all the time.

I find it hard to keep everything PC and neutral while being sincere. With out sounding like a robot. Which I'm betting would be worse. It seems no matter what I do I can't "do it right". Whatever "it" is at the time. And even if I seem to have done it right before I am walking a tight rope and mistakes are unavoidable.

And I know it's hard even impossible to NOT make "mistakes" while interacting with someone. It's like none of us really even speak the same language. The dictionaries might have set definition for words but each word has a slightly different feeling/connotation for each of use. We each have our own different lifetimes and experiences affecting how we see the world and not a single one has had the same affect on us because each experience comes to us at different stages in out life while we are in different states of mind. After going through different things.

People not liking me makes me feel like I am worthless and wrong. I know it's stupid and unrealistic. It's something I'm learning to cope with just a lot is happening in my life to make me think on it. I don't really feel like I do or can contribute anything worthwhile to anyone. Which is also stupid because I know I have but it's this handful of negatives that make me doubt everything and forget the good.

I don't expect anyone to read all this or even think anything other than I am really just a pathetic whack-job who needs to get over herself. I'm sorry if you are still reading this and think less of me. I can't write this in my journal because if I know that no one will read it I just complain instead of express what's really going on. Also I wonder if I am not alone in any of this. I'm sorry for what I wrote and I am sorry that can't be more than I am.

Once again you so eloquently write!! I can totally understand this! I think part of the BPD is that we constantly are at extreme's - that all or nothing, black or white way of thinking, acting, living, everything. Have you read the book by Rachel Reiland; "Get me out of here"? Excellent book and she speaks directly to this subject.
I think some of this, for me, is that I was never allowed to express my emotions or feelings in anyway when I was a kid and I grew up with this warped sense of self-identity that still haunts me today. Part of this is classic co-dependence as well, that thinking of "ok, who do you want me to be, I'll be it", to gain acceptance.
I've learned that the only person I really need to be accepted by is myself, but ****** that is so hard to do and put into practice. I basically look at it like being brainwashed and now I'm having to re-program my mind--which is a daunting task to say the least.
Please don't apologize for what you write or not being "more than what you are"; you are exactly who you are supposed to be and I envy the fact that you can express yourself so beautifully!!

B1cker I can’t express how glad I am to hear from you. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my post. Does it ever just make you dead tired? Everything being “ON” or “OFF”, BLACK or WHITE. Like everything is screaming at you for it’s attention all the time? And you can never tell what’s important enough to pay attention to or if what you perceive is even real? I ask because I want so much to respond to you but I am so tired and numb so this is the best conversation I can do.

I think for me, I was never taught what to do with my emotions and never disciplined for inappropriate ones. I never learned that things like going to the bathroom or body odor for exaple was normal and no one would hate me for it. No one did these things on tv or talked about them so I always felt inferior like a freak. I can completely relate to being who someone wants me to be. I don’t even know who I really am.

You are so right. It is very hard. I kind of fantasized I am a cyborg/robot and just needed my programs reinstalled. That sounds so great sometimes.

Thank you so much. Your friend,

This is to both of your posts. Me - as I am inside, and b1ckr. Both of you help me. I am one who cannot express my feelings into words very often. When I read your posts it is like "Wow, Yes, That is right! It gives me words for my feelings and helps me with my own recovery. I hate that I have to work so hard to be happy enough to live for just one more day. No one should have to struggle so emotionally, but on the other hand I feel that my struggles may at some point help someone else. I'm so confused. Thanks to all of you and this support group online.

Thank you so much. I am so happy to hear that what I write helps you and at least comforts you so much. I am glad to know I am not alone. I think that’s a really positive way to think of your struggles. I know you are helping me already just by being here!
Big Hugs,

Dear Me- As I am inside,

What an awesome letter. Wow, I feel just like that sometimes. You really know how to write. You hit the nail on the head.

I've learnt over the years, and I'm now 51, that you can't please everyone, and more often than not, it's pointless to even try.

In my opinion, lifes not about how ,many friends we have, it's about staying true to yourself.

I honestly, only have a couple of true friends. Ones that I could trust totally. I know heaps of people and met new people everyday who all seem nice enough.

As long as you don't try to be something you're not just to please others you will be all right and sleep better at night.

I'd love to know you as a real person, as I love your views on life.

Keep up the attitude, and stay true to yourself.


Thank you so much.

I guess partly I live in this constant state of paranoia and what if? Well I mean, I really used to try to please everyone because I used to think everyone was worth pleasing and more deserving than me. Now often I try to be nice because you never know how far someone will take offense. This is embarrassing to say, what if tv show plots or songs are actually based in reality sometimes? What if I offend the wrong person? What if it’s mortal offense? What if I am rude to the next president or whatever? Ugh admitting this makes me feel sleazy. Everyone is much more important and valuable than me in my eyes. My brain doesn’t understand that we all have flaws like body odor and crooked teeth. It thinks only I do. Thank you so much for your kind encouragement, you can talk to me anytime.

You know what, with my state of mind the way it is now, you couldn't offend me if you tried, because I am finally content with myself.

If you offend someone well, they are obveously insecure people and need to look at themselves and not to blame you.

You can only offend someone if they want to be offended.

Personally I don't give a **** what others think of me, and if I met someone who is rude to me and makes me feel inferior within myself, I just don't bother hanging around them any longer.

I deffenitly will not try to please someone so they will like me because that sounds like too much effort to me, I'm really lazy, and if they don't like it, well that's their choice as I don't care either way.

Repeat after me:

What other people think of me is none of my business.

Repeat this five times a day for 21 days and you will finally believe it. Put it on postie notes around your home, and never forget it.


That’s really great! I hope that I can get there soon!

Do you ever find that you don’t realize how bad they make you feel until later? It seems to take me so much heart break and up and downs before I realize something is “off” or doesn’t feel good. I am really lazy to… except at first, I have trouble pacing myself and I put so much effort and stuff in at first then the real me comes out.

Thank you so much, I can the opposite is true… kind off I can only be offended if I want to… if I let myself be. And that is such a great point, their opinion is none of my business.

me as i am gotta smile has a great idea hon so lets all try the mantra and see how we feel

but meanwhile u have a good day and be kind to yourself

nothing is as bad as u think it is

love D :)

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

I understand what you mean. I like to feel like I am helping someone or connecting with other people and it makes me feel like I matter, when a lot of the time I feel that I don't. We seem to have a lot in common. I have Borderline Personality Disorder and tend to get too hooked on people or too emotional and sometimes it drives people away. But every now and then I am able to find someone who I connect with in a great way and stay friends with for a long time. Finding a worthwhile friendship is worth the rejection. I used to think that if I researched lots of views and religions, something would just make sense and then I would know everything that I need to. That then I would understand things, be able to help everyone, and people would appreciate me. I think you are right when you say that it doesn't work that way. Other people's views are sometimes just as valid as your own. The key is figuring out how to act on that knowledge. How to be understanding, but still have your own ideas and opinions.

Thank you so much, I have only found one person like that- my bf and that’s because he is more stubborn than me!!! Who would have thought that was possible lol. I thought I had found a good friend a few years ago but when we were both having a hard time and I couldn’t give her what she wanted she ditched me. That’s a really great insight- that we need to figure out what to do with the knowledge that we have and how to accept other people without losing ourselves.

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Social Anxiety