Ok so I just turned 18 and i live with my mom. She is always out of the house and i stay home. I have a ED but not alot of people know about it because i never leave the house. Two nights ago she stayed home for the first time in awhile and cooked dinner. Usualy in the past when she would cook I would always be able to get out of it with a simple excuse. Like i wasn't hungry or id eat later or i already ate. But that night was different. I tryed my normal excuse but she wouldn't buy it. She looked at me and told me she wasn't going to allow me to skip it. I told her id had a big lunch. But she found out by talking to people that it wasn't true. So she sat me down in the chair and wouldn't let me get up. She told me she thought i was lying to her and cutting back. We got into a big disagrement over it. So she tryed to threaten to take all of the stupid stuff. Computer, Cell Phone. I told her to stop but she wouldn't. i Really dont know what to do. My ED is getting out of hand
No one really knows about my ED but the thought of someone taking things away from me makes me panic. Have you seen a doctor about your ED?
A lot of people don't really understand about eating disorders, and trying to force someone to eat is generally not the answer. However, it sounds like you do need some help. Be upfront with your mom about, and look into getting treatment for what's going on! Having someone force food down your throat isn't going to do it, but working with trained professionals will. I highly suggest you try to get a handle on this (through treatment) before it gets any more out of hand. I'm rooting for you!
This used to happen to me when I was really far into my ED. My parent's trying to force food down my throat by threatening to take away things like TV and the computer...and I didn't care. It sounds like you don't either.
As mentioned by others I think the best thing for you to do here is to try to get some professional help. Tell your mom this is more than some "crazy diet" and let her know what's REALLY going on inside your head. I know it's scary to think of getting help and changing your habits, but just look at all the BAD things that have happened because of your ED...and really, what's the good? I know for me I always thought that becoming skinny would boost my confidence and make me happier...it so didn't. I was nothing but miserable; but now fighting I'm able to find happiness again.
Talk to your mom. Be honest with her
We're all here to help too :)
Paige xoxo
Hey there.
I agree with the above.
Talk to your mom! Parents may not COMPLETLY get ED ... but she can totally help you get help for you!
And if your able to get help...then take that chance..that change..see how much better off youll feel..& be!
I too have had this similar situation. Sitting at the dinner table...force feeding myself to make my parents happy. And you know what? It only made my matters worse!
If ya wanna talk.. message me up!
take care...