Don't know what to do

Hello everyone,
I'm here to talk about my cousin, he's an eleven year old little beautiful boy, and he has hodgkins!
I don't know much about the subject, but it has been over a year since he was diasgnosed, and is following treatement since then, but the doctors are telling his parents that there is nothing more to do for him, he's at stage 4 and he is sooooooo tired, he refuses to take his meds, he is in constant pain, I know there's not much I can do, but I just wanna make him smile once in a while, give him something to think about other than his pain, I just saw him a couple of hours ago, and when he saw me he smiled like an angel and I just hope I could see that smile that lights up my day more often, I don't know how to ease his pain, nor what to say to him to make him feel a little better, or to make him smile, I feel helpless, and I just wanna help him in any possible way....
Thanks for reading everyone, I hope life is not that tough on you, and if it is, remember that's the way things are, you just have to fight and to get back up everytime you fall down and get kicked...

Very sad story. I have a 7 year old boy... I wouldn't know what to do if this happened to him. I wish you and yours the best... :(

I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. I really wish I had some profound advice to give you but I just don't know what to say. I wish you both the best and will pray for your cousin.

I, too, am sorry to hear. Are they saying at this point that he's not responding to treatment?

Thanks everyone.
Gregswife, yes they are saying he's not responding, they tried every single thing they could, and it didn't work!
Yesterday he said: "I'm tired, I just wanna die..." seeing an eleven year old boy say such thing is just breaking my heart!

Have they tried any clinical trials? Experimental meds?

My heart just dropped reading your post! No person should ever have their childhood stolen like this! Our 16yo son was diagnosed at stage 3b last month, so I can appreciate your feelings of despair.
I would have to agree with Gregswife that I would attempt clinical trials as a last ditch effort. Somehow he has to be convinced though, that he certainly won't have the potential to beat this if he doesn't take his meds.
I would also be asking the docs for pain meds! Don't get me wrong, I'm not a pill pusher or drugy by any means, but I know the pain can be quite severe, and there's certainly no hope if you're in pain all the time!
What does your nephew like to do for fun? Somehow you've got to show him good times, through what can seem like the end of the world. Video games, movies, ice cream together? Just something to get his mind elsewhere. We also promised our boy a vacation when this is over to a destination of his choosing. Gives him a little something to look forward to. You could also contact the "Make a wish" foundation, as I've heard they are great about pulling things off like this.
Please let your nephew know I am sending him a HUGE SMILE all the way from Alaska!
Take care of yourself and that precious boy! Christine