Help! I freaked out at the neighbor lady the other day when I awoke to hearing her yell at her 7 yr old daughter that she was "going to smack her face again" if she didn't stop crying. I waited, and when she began shaking the child for crying I interjected and said"Stop!". I already knew from the tongue lashing the girl was getting that she was crying over her sister making fun of her for not being able to ride a bike. In stead of asking if I could help, or minding my own business! - I offered to "come down there and have her beat" on me instead. When she got even madder, I called police. While I was still watching for police to pull in we all talked, Her, her boyfriend and myself. here she was neglected by a drug abusing mother "who had 300 boyfriends, two of which sexually abused her. And her 15 yr old daughter had begun cutting herself recently. They were so nice and I explained that I have PTSD from physical sexual and emotional abuse due to parental neglect. Now I'm the *****" in our building and I ended up re-experiencing and crying all day until I fell asleep another wasted day due to PTSD... . How do I quiet these episodes of revisiting what happened to me?????
Gosh honey you did a good job & as you keep talking to us here in time you will start feeling more at peace & safer as you continue finding answers along the way. Its a long road your walking, so dont walk it alone, there are no magic bullets for what one has been through & we're all different in how much time it takes till we find some contentment in life. We are only in control of ourselves & no one else so screw the neighbor & keep helping the defenseless ones as you have.
All my strengths friend.
i will never forget as long as i live the day a mom (native woman) of a friend of my brother's called and yelled at my mom because i had offered to come live with the native lady as her daughter. The lady knew immediately something was wrong and called up my mom and gave it to her. i don't what else she could have done, there wasn't a lot of evidence in my situation. but she KNEW. so let me tell you, i will remember her always for that act of truth and kindness. so even though it seems like nothing good could come of it, you did the right thing by speaking up. and in a manner that was appropriate- outrage at the injustice. so many people look the other way, and you didn't. you did right. good for you.
bless you
Hi Sun, thank you for helping me to see the good side of my PTSD. I feel like the next time it happens I will be able to not react inside so badly now… Just that thought that you were comforted by this act of intervention calms my own fears a little. I know how you felt, sometimes when I get a reaction to the triggers associated with the neglect, indifference abd beatings I wish she would have killed me instead if leaving this broken person to try and pick up the prices for a try at a calm and peaceful life. I still have a hard time seeing any loving act between a mother and child, it always has made me get tears in my eyes. I have a feeling you get that. I feel your support has helped me today, and will be part of my recovery, if that is going to happen. Thank you so much! I’m here whenever you need it. a friend in need, Cheryl.
Dear friends, I am crying right now because I had a PTSD moment recently. It's so hard too because when the flashes start or there's a trigger, it just kicks the crap out of us SOOOOO badly. Truly I swear it is the worst thing I have and I have have many physical medical challenges which cause physical pain beyond belief and PTSD is STILL the most painful thing I deal with. I've been watching my youngest son and today had to come to the realization that he too, is displaying the symptoms... he's 12. We endured abuse from my husband for a long time... I wish so badly that the abusers would be cured and we could stop these horrible things from happening to anyone else!
I can see that you are pretty new here so please let me say, Welcome to supportgroups!!! We are glad you found us!! You will begin to meet some of the most amazing people on the planet and soon you will see this is a safe, comfy place to land no matter what happens or how you feel, there are people here that understand and truly, truly care about all who come here.
I want to tell you too, that sometimes it can take a while to get responses because this is a very big place and posts can get lost. Just keep posting!! Also feel free to join as many support groups as you want. It can be that you know someone else with a certain illness or challenge that you would like to learn more about or anything at all you can relate to or are interested in. The more groups you join, the more people who will read it and be able to be supportive of you and you will feel better!!!
So, welcome, we are glad you are here and please feel free to message me or anyone if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to getting to know you!!
Sending welcoming hugs, Suzee
Sizes, you are so sweet! If you are crying still know that I hurt for your pain, imagine me taking a little of it away to care for myself. Tears can be a release, you must feel overwhelmed today. I’m thinking you are taking your son’s symptoms hard. Is he able to talk about it and get it out? Men aren’t Yankees like us, I hope he can see that it’s a process to try and repair his experience in life. But the fact that you are reaching out to others today helps me so much. Your warm welcome and words of comfort are truly amazing considering you got your own triggers and reaction on attack today. It must be hard to watch your son go thru this. Try to remember that my thoughts are with you, and I am really impressed by your helping others. You reduced my own feelings of isolation today. Praying can help - sometimes I beat my mattress and beg for peace. It works. Thank you, huggggg!!! Cheryl.
Hi Cheryl, thank you!! YOU are so sweet! I think beating your mattress sounds like a good idea!!! Boy oh boy the journey is long!!! Being able to share it with others who understand makes it all a bit easier.
I completely understand your reaction the other day with your neighbor!! I know things trigger me too and I guess they might continue for quite a while.. arrggghh!! One day at a time, I guess. lol
Sending more hugs, Suzee
Suzee, you are kind. I can see that. Like I said I was impressed by your thoughts concerning me when you had your own problems. That is really extraordinary in this day and age. I hope you are doing better today, both physically and emotionally. Though the difference is quite obscure to mE. Physicians seem to want to differentiate between The two, when really we are one person. Period. The PTSD is very difficult when it rears it's ugly head. I had one of those days myself today, even with kind words and help from Jehovah God. Of course it is a balm that God cares and that my true friends are supportive. But as you well know- you and I are damaged goods, what I refer to as broken people. I have the Post Traumatic Stress Dusorder book that I ordered off of EBay, and it seems to be helping. It says that we have to assimilate the memories into long term memoruy, no longer having them intrude as a nerve sensitizing memory that doesn't go to ling term memory. I would be glad to send you a copy if you want. let me know. Hope your son now is doing better as I know that's important to you. Also, his hormones are just beginning to kick in!!! Poir guy. Many hugs, cheryl.