I was suprised to see that Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA) was not listed under the meetings for support groups. I wanted to let you know about Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA) which is a fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from their eating disorders. People can and do fully recover from having an eating disorder. In EDA, we help one another identify and claim milestones of recovery. The only requirement for membership is a desire to recover from an eating disorder. There are no dues or fees for EDA membership. We are self-supporting through our own contributions. Balance, not abstience is our goal.
You can find the website at www.eatingdisordersanonymous.org. Some other EDA resources your may find helpful are our message board, facebook, twitter, online meetings (chatroom).
Website – www.eatingdisordersanonymous.org
Online meeting/chatroom - www.edanonymous.blogspot.com. We have various online meetings that are subject to change. Please check the days/times on our website under meetings. You can also use this chatroom to chat with others at any time. A good way to get others to join you is to "announce" it on facebook that you're going to the chatroom so if anyone wants to join you to come along!
Facebook - http://facebook.dj/eatingdisordersanonymous/ Feel free to write recovery messages on the wall! Also feel free to use the discussion tab.
Message Board - Make a account at: http://eda.yuku.com/ for our message board for EDA. You’ll have to be "approved" before you can do your first initial post. This keeps the board safe and private.
If you are a facilitator for EDA meetings, please indicate this in the registration process as you have a facilitator board also.
Twitter - We do have a twitter acct at http://twitter.com/#!/EDAnonymous. If you have to do a search for it, it's under EDAnonymous.
If you have any questions about EDA, I'd be happy to answer them. It really is a great support group. Our primary purpose is to recover from our eating disorders and to carry this message of recovery to others with eating disorders.
I'll be around the boards! Thanks, Kelly
this is so great! i soooo am thinking of joining an EDA group very soon! i have been wanting to join a group now for a long time but feared since i am in recovery now( yet still struggle with ED everyday) that i couldnt join cause i am healthy. i look healthy , you know? i thought maybe youd have to be only skinny to join. i know that is dumb of me to think ---but i guess im just scared...and shy to join. but i want to very much.
i thought maybe id feel weird if i was the only healthy looking one there or something? or if i wasnt skinny enough to join? ok now these are silly thoughts ---hahaha i am relaizing now---but these are my fears. i know you dont have to be skinny to join. it just feels that way to me...
so i am looking into an EDA group in Manhasset, NY. they have a NEDA EDA group every 3rd of the month....
it is actually in the hospital i go to, so that would be nice!!!!!!
i dont know why i am scared to join though. i keep thinking maybe i have to LOOK sick/skinny to be there. even though i look healthy i still struggle with ED/behaviors /thoguhts. i think an actual support group would be good like online support has been awesome !
thanks kelly! hope to see you on here soon!
i must say that this support group is amazing so if EDA is just half as good as it is on here ill be so happy!
Oh, I'm so excited that you are going to go to an EDA meeting! You'll love it. And trust me...you do NOT need to feel like you have to be a certain weight or a certain size to be in these rooms. There is no judgement in those rooms at all. You can not judge an eating disorder by looks regardless of the stigma of it. You'll find all sorts of ed's in EDA rooms and all different sizes and the great thing is people are just so unjudgemental in all the meetings I've been to. I could go on and on about it, but trust me...once you go to a meeting, you'll forget that you even thought these thoughts and had these fears.
wow---that soooo eases my fears so thank you so much for that! ive been wanting to go to one for so long now, but was worried i had to be skinny to join, ha---seems silly but it is what went through my head. so thanks for alleviating that fear from me--and it is something i will look into soon! EDs are all different sizes!
hmmm cant wait---kinda scared but excited! and i mean it is in the hosptial i go to all the time, so that is good! at least i hope it is still there!
thanks !!!!!!!!
1 Heart
EDA or Eating Disorders Anonymous is a fellowship for anyone who is or has ever struggled with an eating disorder. They are all free and you can go to the Eating Disorders Anonymous site and click on the box Look for a meeting and see if there is one near you.
Good luck Maureen! I was in a similar situation where I was going to see an ED therapist, and I kept seeing really skinny girls on the train, and I thought, "I wonder if they are going where I'm going." But no matter how we look or how we think we look, we all deserve support, and we need help. I'm so interested in group therapy, but I'm glad I found you guys for now.