Request for help with a study into eating habits.
I am a PhD student in the faculty of science at Kingston University carrying out a study investigating dietary restraint in adolescent and adult females.
A number of detrimental health consequences can arise as a result of this and I feel it is of paramount importance to explore this area, and try to devise interventions that will help.
We are looking for females aged 12+, who are showing symptoms of disordered eating. Please note that you do not have to have a diagnosis of an eating disorder to take part in this study.
The study involves participants completing a questionnaire and a computer-based task assessing their eating attitudes and behaviours.
Participation is voluntary and all participants’ details will be anonymous. No details that can personally identify participants will be taken in the study hence ensuring anonymity at all times. All participants are given an information sheet prior to completing the questionnaire for implied consent.
This is a pilot study for a very important later study, which will be investigating eating disorders and other critical related conditions that arise as a result of disordered eating.
We hope our study will provide us with more insight into the attitudes and behaviours of teenage and adult females in general and those experiencing disordered eating particularly, leading to the development of effective intervention strategies.
Your participation in this study would be greatly appreciated, please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss details: Saira Khan on [email protected], or my supervisor, Professor Andrea Petroczi, on [email protected].
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Thank you in advance