Exercise for the Mind & Body

Love the recommended exercises that this article provides, as they exercise both the mind and body;

"Physical exercise isn't just good for your heart and muscles. "Any kind of exercise will keep blood flowing to your brain, and there is evidence it may help new brain cells grow," says Gino Colombara, executive director of the Alzheimer's Association Southeastern Virginia Chapter. Here are some workouts that may be helpful to brain health:

•Take a dance class. You'll be increasing your heart rate and also challenging your brain as you learn various steps. Tai chi, karate or step aerobics will have the same benefits..."


Source: tbo.com

I've been thinking of taking a dance class, seems like a fun and social workout. I've done zumba in the past and loved it!

Oh, that sounds like so much fun and a good work-out. I am looking into martial arts classes at the moment and hoping to find something close to home so that I can walk.

Oooh I'd love to do martial arts!

I'm looking at different studios online near me and they look really good. Though, seems a bit intimidating. The one that's most interesting, I'd need to drive to, which is fine. It's a kick boxing/martial arts class. I'm getting kind of excited.