Facebook social sites addiction

Does anyone have this? dont know if its real or not but it sure feels like it. Im having a serious internal conversation with myself about giving facebook up.

Ive slowly isolated myself and am on about 70% of the time. i dont have much time as it is with work, and kids but im beginning to feel like such an addict. i got on to ease the feeling of disconnection all around especially with my wife, also an chat room addict in my view.

Ive lost touch with her despite efforts...how it bothers me to think im growing apart but what if we just dont relate anymore. anyway, ive found old friends and we exchange a line or 2 and this sadly passes for a social connection but now i just feel lonelier than ever.

im thinking of abandoning facebook but, will i also be losing the little connection i have with old friends? u think talking with wife is the answer right... i have. she unsure what to do..then hops back on her chat addiction.

im thinking of taking even more drastic measures to create change.. get her undivided attention. dont be an idiot right? i need a change in this loneliness... one way or another

i would give the friends you would like to keep in touch with your email and DELETE your facebook account. instead of having short brief conversations go get a coffe together, lunch. anything but sit infront of the computer screen waiting....and waiting for conversation. i also am addicted to facebook. i do not work right now so this is all i do. when i was younger i was addicted to myspace and have been much better and relaxes sice i deleted it. hope this helps.


im sure it started as a gradual thing u both hoppin on your computers to check friends/emails/pay bills and human nature means u check things out while u are waiting for the other one to be done, before u know it the whole evening has gone spent on line doing not much but fillin in empty space.

have u thought about a family event where u leave the computers alone and spend time doing something fun with all the family? or only doing it before u go to work for a limited period of time that u know u will have to stick to because of other commitments like work kids etc

amm 85 has some good advice for u as well so mayb u will find a happy middle space for all

loving thoughts and positive vibes

D :)

I have a severe case of insomnia. I'm up and down 2 or 3 times a night pacing the floors. New method to get me to be relaxed when it's time for bed. Exercise and reading puts me to sleep.

A lot of people I know use Facebook and other social media outlets as a way to pass the time, find connections that may be lacking in their 'real lives', distract themselves from reality and so on...
I think it becomes a problem when you would RATHER be on facebook then trying to communicate with your wife..
If thats the case, perhaps it would be a good idea to 'deactivate' for a bit..not necessarily delete, just go on a little 'vacation' and put all your energy into fixing/mending/spicing up your relationship with your wife..