Please forgive me if my post seems to be a bit circular but my head is spinning and I cannot think straight so please bear with me.
I am the husband of an anorexic. My wife has lost focus on what is healthy and has begun her downward tailspin. I don't know what to do but am hesitant to do anything but suggest that she needs help for fear that it will give her power to do the opposite just to spite me. We have had some brief conversations about it where it ends up with a lot of deflection, avoidance, and reguritation of selected facts from various websites; the latest was when she told me that no one would diagnose her unless she was under ___ lbs. She is 5'1" and she knows I'm not stupid and knows that I have done plenty of my own research and should know that at that size, if she was at ___ lbs., she might be dead or close to it. Currently she is ___ lbs. and was about ___ just a few months ago. She has almost ALL of the other symptoms. I don't thiunk she is purging but I can't be certain. She does obsess over food, fat, and calories and has been known to skip meals entirely...sometimes for days.
The last conversation we had, which was liast night, I did most of the talking. I had to do that so that she knew what I knew and so that I could get my thoughts out without interruption. For some reason she does not want me to be involved, probably because she can't hide things as well...but I told her that I am committed to helping her and want to be a part of her treatment in whatever capacity she wanted. I should note that she acknowledges that she has a problem, just has done little to nothing to get help. I also told her that as long as I had assurance that she was and is getting help, that I was going to be part of that, even if just to be there. I told her that I didn't want her to share anything with me that she did not feel comfortable. I also told her that the moment she gave up, I would have no other choice but to leave because I did not have the strength to sit there and watch her kill herself. We have 3 children (2 of them girls). I know that anorexia is thought to be hereditary and at the very least can be learned. I cannot allow my children to watch this or learn it. I gave her a notebook and told her that she could use it to write down her thoughts; sort of like a diary I guess. I told her that I did not want to read it and that if she chooses, she can share any or all of it with me but it's her choice. I think doing this can be therapeudic and perhaps she can see the light be rereading her entries. I don't know what will happen with that but we'll see.
Am I wrong? For any of it? All of it? I don't know what to do or where to turn so I thought I would post this, if for nothing else but to get it out of my head. I thought I might be able to get some ideas from other family members or anorexics and/or recovering anorexics.....or to be PC, people with anorexia. I don't mean to offend anyone.
Thank you so much. I look forward to hearing any replies.