research shows that family demands can cause heart problems in middle age. i'm thinking this is stress in general, but who knows:
" Dealing with family worries and demands can increase a person's risk of developing the painful symptoms of angina, researchers say.
Angina, which is chest pain or discomfort caused when the heart does not get enough blood, is a symptom of coronary artery disease.
In the new study, Danish researchers tracked the heart health of 4,500 men and women in their 40s and 50s over six years starting in 1999. The participants, none of whom had any heart problems at the start of the study, also provided details about the quality of their relationships with a spouse or intimate partner, children, other relatives, friends and neighbors."
read more here:
i have found as my children get older and consequently so do i that there is far more to worry about now they are adults too many cars on the roads, the worries of their work loads, evenings out etc so i guess that its natural that given the world we live in more things are apt to go wrong or break down therefore impacting on parents or grandparents and being detrimetal to their health.
if u live where there is minimal worries it stands to reason your health isnt under pressure
as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)
interesting viewpoint domestic. never thought about those types of worries
After my Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) diagnoses, I was immediately advised for a coronary angioplasty, then a stent in the artery to open it up. I was hospitalized for few weeks, I was prescribed a blood thinner and other CAD meds. After a while my condition got worse again with severe shortness of breath and angina, so i started on a natural CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE (CAD) TREATMENT from Herbal Health Point, the herbal treatment was very effective treating my heart condition and the shortness of breath. I had a total decline in symptoms. Visit their web page ww w. herbalhealthpoint. c om. Its been 2 years since the treatment, I do lots of walking and lost some weight. My daughter also used their CHF product for her congestive heart failure, very effective.