Good morning my lovely friends,
Well, I do beleive I have fought the 'hell' virus that had kept me ill for a week and a half. WHEW! That was the worse illness/virus I have ever encountered. I ate well---a little too well-ha, and got my weight back up. It seems as i did that--the color in my face returned, my hair--which was falling out in clumps from this virus, seems to not be falling out now, my undereyes arent black as night, and I feel like my old self(almost).
The problem is here----I feel oh that four letter word---fat. I just feel like---im huge now , and part of me is like---why did I gain that weight on purpose ---I mean, I can't help but feel like I was better before my natural weight came back. I mean, it is so weird, I wasnt happy when I was below my normal weight when I was ill cause i was sick as a dog and now I'm not happy cause I feel big. Am I ever happy? It is so weird--one day I want to gain and then I do and it is like---OMG! Did I really do that? It is like--I'm never happy no matter what--whether it be under or my natural wieght...It so doesn't make sense...Happiness really never comes from your weight cause no matter what--there will always be something wrong.
So, last night I was struggling with this but am pulling through--I'm trying to look at the positives here: 1. I feel better 2. my hair isnt falling out (as much) 3 my color has returned to my face and am not pale 4. I feel my energy a bit back when i hadnt really for almost 2 weeks.
5. I look healthier 6. my eyes arent dark and the circles under them arent as obvious 7. my skin is softer when before during this ill period it was dry. 8. i got the curves i had lost last week back .
Ugh, friends I am trying hard to push through this as I also re wrote my 'list of ED lies and truths" (which was originally posted by SarahKate on this site) so I can have what I call my sword or battle against these ED thoughts.
It is so weird to never be happy no matter what --and every time you change your weight----whether thinner or weight put back on ---you are just never satisfied.
So it is true that our images cannot make us happy. It is not where bliss lies.
The good news is my and my fiancee went on a little trip and it was awesome! We went to Mystic Conneticut and it was spectacular! First, we stayed a night at a gorgeous hotel and the next day we went to this little place where it was this replica of the 1800's and you could visit old time houses from back then. We also went on a steamboat ride , a horse and buggy ride, and visited cute little stores there, walked around a lot. My fiancee even got me this adorable pink sweater--which I do truly love. That sweater will always be nostalgia from that day. So, that trip did made me happy--looking at the stunning day was wonderuful.
So, thanks for letting me vent , friends, and I guess with these ED thoughts I'm glad I have therapy tonight. ha. But I'll work through them.
Love you all,