Feeling really worried about small "future" things. I love m

Feeling really worried about small "future" things. I love my boyfriend to bits but some days I just get this want to end it with him. Some days it's just too hard. Trying to do the things I WANT to do takes so much effort and mind work. Wish I could just be with him and REALLY with him. Not just in body but in mind too. I let all my thoughts and worries and IBS stand right in the way of me enjoying it. Living life and loving him to the full. I know I have an amazinggg boyfriend. I dont wake up any morning not feeling completely grateful for what I have but I just wish I could give him more of me. Sometimes I feel I'm not even there in soul (or whatever you like to call it) and it makes me feel guilty.

2 Hearts

I think it's important to live each day as it goes and worry about the present day. Worrying about the future is going to bring you unwanted stress, and no one is 100 percent sure what the future holds for them. Don't worry about the future, God has a master plan for you.

1 Heart

but I'm even worrying about the present day too. I'm worrying about every moment in fact! :/ I know really that it will all be fine but trying to tell my head that is another story or my stomach in fact ^^

All you have to do is sit down and have a heart to heart with your boyfriend. Tell him the way you feel and why, then maybe you can come to a conclusion about why you're feeling the way you're feeling. Hope everything works out for you and you be able to have the loving, caring, fun relationship that everyone deserves

Thank you :)

Thank you for your kind words. You will get trough this point in your life then look back on it and realize how small it was. Keep strong and carry on

1 Heart

Thank you :) <3 I wish you happiness and that your situation changes soon. Which it will, because nothing stays stagnant :)