Feeling so alone if I didn't have this stupid virus I know I

Feeling so alone if I didn't have this stupid virus I know I could find somebody to love but it's impossible nobody want to be with a 28 year old woman 2 kids and this virus feeling like a failure...

At least you have 2 kids so you should stay strong for them..I don't know anything of being a mother but I know it's a great feeling..you may have a virus but you have 2 Angels to live for and it's normal to seek love..you need it the most now...well,unfortunately i can't give to you but I can give you friendship if you want to...good luck with everything in your life and don't forget to hold onto it!
P.s you are not a failure and you shouldn't feel that way..you are special and you brought 2 kids in this world that now you live for..you are stronger than you think

that's how I feel to.....who would want to be with me when I'm diagnosed with this infectious disease smh........is there any websites where I can meet people like me?

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