Feeling so blue it's been three months and he texts to tell

Feeling so blue it's been three months and he texts to tell me he done with me and to get over it.. I gave him everything 5 years of being faithful and loyal.. I loved him yet he is now done with me.. All the abuse and the coming and going in my life how am I to feel?? I am stupid to think he love me when I am a nobody but a loser..

You need to stay strong and allow him to be the person he is without trying to change any of this.......just LEAN INTO IT and wait for a positive outcome......men change their minds all the time, but getting in his face is just going to make him hate you and drive him away so just LET GO and let it all unfold and he will be back.....trust me..........they always! come back once we "let them go".......they are all the same.