I am feeling sick today. My throat is a little sore and I feel nauseated in my stomach. My youngest daughter was sick last week. I hope I didn't catch what she had but you know how that goes. I have to pick her up from school to take her to work in a few hours. I hope I am feeling better by then.
Do feel better soon, I use more paper towels now when washing my hands especially when my son catches something.
Take care.
Thanks April. ((((hugs)))) I wash my hands all of the time and use alot of paper towels. :) I feel better today. I had a site of mine get hacked yesterday. It is a site I have had up for over 12 years and never had a problem with it. I worked all yesterday afternoon on it and am still working on it today. I think all of that took my mind of feeling sick. :) Hanging around the house today and trying to get some things done here.
I dont know much about computers (I have a hard time navigating this site) but often wondered how & WHO does that kind of bad stuff I only here about it on the news. Guess that would take your mind off feeling sick huh, glad you feeling a lil better, take care.
Much love April