Feeling way depressed enough where I can't sleep and I keep

Feeling way depressed enough where I can't sleep and I keep thinking of my mistakes in life as I was young now I'm paying for them it really sucks don't know why I have to go through this

Ya, it does suck, to live with the consequences our actions. But we also learn from those mistakes. U have the opportunity to help others by sharing what u have learned. Take one day at a time. Im sorry u are having problems coping, hope ur day gets better.

1 Heart

I don't want to complain about my life to much it's just alot of things that I did when I was young are affecting me now drugs unprotected sex health problems no career just wanted to party all the time that's only half the stuff

I suggest you find out what acceptance is and how to have some for yourself. Cut yourself a break, humans make mistakes and that's ok

1 Heart

I Understand exactly what u are saying. The consequences of our actions is so overwhelming that it torments Us. The other day I was talking with my sister about the mistakes and how I lost my dignity and self-respect. Worried what people think of me and how worthless I have become. My sister told me that God doesnt look at just a few things, He sees us as a whole! We must forgive ourselves and know that no matter what we have done or do, God still loves Us..... Hope U have a better day. Hugs...

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