hi im suffering from fibromyalgia too ive just have been diagnosed and feel so hopeless had to stop from my job i was working more than 10 hrs a day couldnt cope anymore im so confused and feel so hopeless and so guilty pls can anyone give me some support .......
Hi Andri, thank you so much for being here with us. I am so sorry for what you are going through and for how you are feeling. Would you mind my asking how this came on and if you know the cause? Has your doctor given you any insight and guidance? I believe that this site can be helpful to you; http://www.myfibro.com/. Please know that we are here for you and here to help you.
dear andri, i too had to quit my job and a whole new world opened up to me, once i got past the guilt and the shame. it took some time and prayer and still there are some remmants of it that creep up there in my thoughts. but i just keep doing what i can do and leave the rest up to my Higher Power to judge.
i knew what i could do and working a long day was not amongst those things and i was forced to quit too. so take care of you. i heard once that a person on disability should be spending 4 hours a day caring for themselves, thats alot of time and thats about what it takes to care for myself when it comes down to it if you think about it, thats what it takes, meds, baths, cooking, resting, exercise, etc. going to dr.
so what can i say, i am very sorry this had to happen to you and i wish you wellness and a process that will work for you. seek help where ever you can and God will be with you on a daily basis.
all my best with hope and faith, and loving kindness, a prayer warrior for you.
im so sorry. i can sooo relate to you. i had fibro for years but didnt know it. for so long i went to docs n they did nt know what was wrong, so i deicided id treat it myself. well, last month i lost most al ability in my legs n arms , n i am sooo sad. i dont think sad can describe this. i am beyond tears. n i also have interstial cystis n no treatment for it yet. so i am beyond pain, i am going crazy. the fibro is so awful and no one gets how awful this hell is . it really is fibro hell. the pain n fatigue are awful, but i think the wost is the light sensitivity. for petes sake i cant even go out in bright light. i feel imprisioned. just one look of bright light n i get such a headache. and this is summer! so im screwed. i mean there a re so many symptoms in this hideous disease, n so i have to go to so many docs now cuz i am having numerous prblems. it is too much to bear. i dont feel human, i feel alone n like some weird creature who cant walk right , gets tingling in her limbs , n cant look at sunlight for petes sake. no one gets it. i feel awful, i cry al the time. this isnt me, this is someone else. im trying so hard to fight this gawd awful disease, but i got knocked out before i do so. everything just hurts so so much. it is like , torture. . it isnt right for anyone to go through this . n no dcos r reasearching this@ what the heck? and there are sooo few treatments for this. it is like, hey you have fibro, well, sorry, not much we can do. i mean , cant somone get on the research on this??? i am doing it myself, but ud think thered be more research done. oh the whole thing angers me. it does. im trying organic whole foods to help, and while it does slightly boost the energy level, it just doesnt really do that much. sigh.
so trust mr i know how u feel. i was just getting started with my life, had all these dreams and boom. i became crippled. and it is more than i can even bear.
thanks for letting me vent, i have all this pent up anger n sadness n no one gets how awful this is. i wish the best for u,
Andri, how are you doing and feeling today? Just checking in to see how you are doing and how things are progressing for you. We are here for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.