Fighting seasonal anxiety

I am having a hard time dealing with the seasonal anxiety and depression. Along with it I am now diabetic from the weight I gained from meds and depression eating. I am trying to work hard on my diet and trying to get myself to exercise. It is so hard and I constantly beat myself up because I don't do everyday what I think I should have done. My dr. keeps telling me to just worry about accomplishing at least one thing a day but with that I'm not getting everything done around the house and not exercising which would help my depression. Sometimes I just feel like giving up and running away. I can't handle the anxiety which makes it even harder to stay calm, not get depressed then eat from depression.

Anyone else going through all this? Any advise?

Hi Shellie4466, I can understand what it's like to feel depressed and most definitely not feel motivated to do anything, but it seems like you may be overwhelming yourself with too much at the moment. Whereas, if you took a big step back and set smaller daily goals for yourself, then they'd be more do-able and wouldn't seem so overwhelming. I remember when I set out to have big fitness goals for the new year, I totally overwhelmed myself and lost all motivation. So, I stopped and took a step back, and then started to outline smaller daily goals; such as a short run on Monday, a long walk through the City on Tuesday, and so on. Sometimes I would decide the night before what I wanted to accomplish the next day and I would schedule it as if it were an appointment. This way it popped up on my calendar and I had to get it done.

Try doing one small thing that will make you smile today and feel good about yourself. Can you take a walk or go for a short run?

Forgot about the idea of scheduling an exercise. I was just thinking of doing one exercise and dreading getting bored of it. Sometimes the bipolar mind doesn’t think past that one step for me. I got discouraged this week because I didn’t lose any weight but had lost of 7 lbs within the previous 2 weeks. I spent today laying around frustrated about it. We also go alot of snow here and I couldn’t get outside and everyone else was in the house making for more noise. I have an issue with alot of noise giving me anxiety. I ended up hiding in my bedroom to get away from everyone. I’ve gotten so far behind on household chores it just looks overwhelming let alone even finding where I should start to clean up. Maybe I’ll write it all down and pick each item in alphabetical order haha

Thanks for your support. Today is a bad day, needed to hear from someone in the same situation as me.

Shellie, congratulations on your weight loss, that's so fantastic. And if you can't get outside for a work-out, there are so many great things that you can do at home; like squats, lunges, jumping jacks, running in place, can do all of this while watching a movie and this way it's much more entertaining, I do it all of the time and it keeps me in shape. As well, house cleaning is a great work-out, I'll always work up a sweat vacuuming and washing the floors. Please let me know how you're doing, we are here for you.

I got the PUNCH! workout from WW. It’s the boxing gloves and dvd. It’s a great cardio workout not alot of hard punching or kicking. I did ok with it today for my first time doing it. I’ll try harder tomorrow but boy did I realize how out of shape I’m in!

Do you know if we have to go to a meeting once a month to weigh in or is it all at home?

Thanks for your support!

Hi Shellie, that's so so so amazing! I am so excited that you tried such a fantastic new work-out. You'll get better and better so quickly. It's all about challenging yourself and your body.

In terms of the meeting you asked about, what are you referring to?

Got my other new exercise toy's called JumpSnap. Check it out on it's handles to a jumping rope and one handle is programable with your weight and height and when you jump it counts your jumps and calculates calories is an amazing! workout. Now I have many options to exercise with so I have no excuses to not do something!

I was looking at the WW meeting locations and there was a note of which locations you could go monthly to weigh in, buy product and I forget what else. I'm not seeing anyone saying they have to go to a meeting location to get weighed in with weight watchers personel so I'm not worrying about it.

Did my jumping rope 2 days now and boy is it hard to jump rope when you are overweight and out of shape. I made it to a minute stopping and starting 3 times last night. At least it was more than the night before. I know I have to keep working on it each day to build up my time and strength. I found a bunch of walk videos so now I have even more options for my exercise inside since there is still so much snow and ice outside. Just trying to get myself started today, having a hard time.

Shellie, that is so fantastic. I am so excited for you and so proud of you for getting into an exercise routine. It's all about motivating yourself and also mixing up your routine helps a ton, because if you do the same exercise day in and day out, you can lose motivation. Keep up the great work!

Haven't done anything yet today...working up the energy to do something but I told my husband I need his help to push me to exercise so he will definitely do that! He works out almost every night so he won't give me any slack lol

From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder