Hey everyone!
Hope everyone is having a good day. I just wanted to give you an update. So Friday was a super bad day where I had a complete melt down when my boyfriend came to visit me. I've spent the whole weekend with him and I am finally finding a good balance. For the first time since I started my meal plan I actually am doing well, continuously. Today marks my sixth day of neither binging or restricting and 2 weeks and 2 days of not purging!
I am a little scared to leave my boyfriend today and continue without him by my side. Distance scares me. I think I have the strength to stat strong and continue this lovely balance with my meal plan. I know, even from a distance, he will keep me strong :):):)
OMG - congrats on 2 weeks 2 days of not purging. That is such a huge accomplishment!! Keep it up. I'm going on day 8. I've had several relapses here over the last few months. It seems like once you purge just once - its a chemical reaction that just triggers more binges and more purges and on and on. I pray that I can continue on.
I agree that distance/opportunity to binge/purge can be tough to deal with. Just take it day by day. My signif is also gone all week on business so that leaves a whole-lotta "free time" for me ... I'm trying to keep busy.
I know you don't know me, but I thought you might like this quote:
"Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It's for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough."
Just a reminder that you are stronger than you think you are...I can tell just by reading a few of your previous posts.
Thank you for the encouragement caroline and annie. Congratulations Caroline! 8 days is such an accomplishment! Hang in there; I know it is a difficult road but I think together we can get through it together! Free time is tough but keeping yourself busy really keeps that purging factor away. For me I try watching tv, doing homework, surfing the net, taking a walk! There are so many options to keep your mind off of it.
Annie- thank you so much for the quote! And also for the support :) I hope to hear from you more here. Its a fantastic support system.
Allee- I just wanted to say that I think that you are doing amazing so far- you are really working hard and I think that college has helped you to feel more independent and confident. You can do this!