Well, it's nice to finally find a place where I can hopefully get some help online, since I can't afford professional help right now. I've looked online before, but never found anything. But, this time, my persistance prevailed. I started a blog, in hopes of finding others with my problem, which led me to finding this page, YAY!
I'm 35, married, no kids, and have been dealing with bulemia since I was about 15 or so. I can't say that it's been every day for the past 20 years, as I've gone for months, maybe even longer, without succumbing to the b/p cycle. But the past few years have been very rough... inability to get pregnant (even with 4x IVF), nearly ending my marriage, and just a bunch of other non-ED related health issues. And, unfortunately, I've been doing it again.
I'm not sure what the levels of severity are. I can go a week or two without purging or can do it 3-4 times a day for a few days. I find myself over-eating a lot, but trying to control the purging part. But then I look at all the weight I gain, get absolutely sick of my reflection, and there I go again.
I've also been SOOO run down lately. Completely and utterly exhausted. No amount of sleep seems to help. I could sleep standing up it would seem, and I'm a difficult sleeper. I don't even have the energy to wake up and work out, where I used to for years. I haven't worked out in months. I just can't seem to get myself out of bed in the morning. Which, of course, becomes a vicious cycle of eating for comfort, gaining weight and increasing my poor body image, and then purging again.
Another nasty thing about my problem is that when I start to really do good - eat healthy, work out, lose weight and build muscle, and acheive the body I want.. WHAM, I start binging again and completely put myself back at square one EVERY TIME. I don't get it. I try and try, over and over, to get that "perfect" body, to reach it for a micro-second and sabotoge myself back to square one!
HOW DO YOU STOP THIS CYCLE????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm tired of it. Tired of hiding it from my husband - who I did finally tell a few months ago, but still hide the act and frequency from him. I'm tired of hiding the food for my binge sessions. I also find myself binging on wine a lot. I can almost finish a bottle in one night. I'm tired of self-defeating. I'm just tired all together. I chose the name Bulemic4Life because that's how I feel... as if I will be like this forever. But I don't want to be. How can I stop???