Finger picking

I have been sitting here picking all my fingers constantly. They are a complete mess. I have always done this. Right now the trigger is for some reason I feel like I don't know anything about my job. I have prepared tax returns for over 30 years and right now I feel in a complete panic about it. It is crazy. It is completely irrational. Has anyone out there ever had feelings like this and what did you find helped you. I figure I can fight my way out of this. I started running again and am hoping this will help.

welcome to support group.

OCD manifest in many ways have u changed job recently or been under pressure to comply with deadlines?

having a daughter who suffers ocd i no exercise helps her and she attends a group.

just to be on the safe side mayb u should get checked out or seek some type of consuling to assist u with this problem.

keep posting and chattin

loving thoughts and positive vibes

I pick incessantly and compulsively at the skin around my fingernails. I make them bleed, they scar and I ashamed. I am an attractive successful teacher - popular and well liked. I'm also really good at my job and very confident and social. But my "habit" causes me such shame. I just can't seem to stop. I am on SSRI medication for a recent major depressive bout, but the skin picking/biting is certainly no better. I do it when I'm bored, happy, watching TV, having coffee with friends!! My psychologist has not been able to help me. Grr, I hate it!!!

I Started out thinking I was popping zits or blackheads and that was about 3 years ago. I now have so many scars on my body that people acuse me of being a meth addict. I wished it were that easy because I could just go to rehab for being on drugs. I cant find a facility that has even heard of ocd/skinpicking. People act like I am out of my mind when I try to explain why I really look like this.

i have had this terrible habit for 23 years now! If it's not my fingers it's my toes, or the inside of my mouth, or my face... i can't stop either. I exercise to help with the nervous energy but i cont to do this to myself without even knowing it. I took up knitting recently ... but not much improvement :( I may not have the answers to help u quit, but u certainly have my understanding and my sympathy.

oh yes rrrbecka, I too can SOO relate to the biting of the inside of my mouth until it bleeds and I can't eat!!! So glad there are others like me. Perhaps I am not a complete nutter ha ha!

I use to bite the inside of my jaw so bad that a few years ago I bit my lip clear off and had to go to the emergencee room. you could see my skeletal system where I didnt have a bottom lip. I looked like a zombie. It took almost a year for it to completely heal. I cant believe it looks completely normal now.

I relate to all of your situations. I went overboard last week and got carried away so I called went into see doc and got some cream that cleaned up the scabbiness... But they always leave bad scars.. Even the onces I don't pick after they are irritated earlier and she really had no feedback that helped.. But I do wear long sleeved shirts and pants when I'm at home. It helps anlot... Unless I'm alone or just have an urge. Do you have anxiety? Or is something or someone is adding to your stress, frustration and if you have it, anxiety? I'm sorry about this problem for everyone that suffers from it... It sucks. Any other suggestions?

yes I certainly have an anxiety disorder, but that is currently well treated. The skin biting/picking however hasn’t responded to the medication. I just have the urge mostly when I’m watching a movie - or just bored. My psychologist said it’s a type of over-grooming urge. She suggested squeezing my hands into fists until the urge passes. Doesn’t work for me though. I also am a bit body dismorphic apparently. Good luck!

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)