First 3 Months of Dating

I've been trying to figure out this whole dating thing, as its been quite some time since I've given it a go. Well, there's always the first and last date for me, but nothing that has surpassed that for a while. With these early stages of dating comes a whole lot of odd emotions. So, I did a bit of research and found a great piece covering the first 0-3 Months that helped me a bit;

"Because there are stages and levels of commitment, even if you do like each other and want a relationship, dating at this early stage might be too soon to ask this question.

Why not? Because you don’t know the person well enough, and they don’t know you, so how could either of you know what your attitude might be to commitment, until you get to know and like each other even more."

In the early stages of dating (0-3 months) - be sexually and emotionally monogamous. "At this stage, spending some time getting to know a new partner, figuring out what you like about them and whether you want to keep seeing the person, is more important than finding out whether they are ‘looking for commitment’ or putting them in a box of having a phobia about it.

The difficulty in discussing it at this early stage is because many people equate it with marriage, and most people aren’t ready for considering something like that when you are just getting to know someone.

However, at some point within weeks and certainly by a few months, you will need some kind of commitment that you both want to be sexually and emotionally monogamous and want to go forward with your relationship."

- Find Your Ideal Partner, Barbara de Angelis

I agree with this. But I also think it is important to let the person know that you are looking for a relationship. Now you don't have to go guns blazing. But if you don't admit to yourself and the other person...if things are going well I would happily pursue a relationship.

Because you could meet the person who still wants to have "fun" or is not looking for any serious commitment at all. So saying it now or 3 months down the line these people will not change their minds, so never be nieve and think you can change it.

But ya it doesn't make sense to thrust a relationship at someone...putting it this way...make sure you are looking down the same road in the same direction...if that makes sense.

Love to you hun
Moongal xxxx

That's such great advice Moongal! Thank you! I totally agree that it's important to at least make sure that you're on the same page and wanting to head down the same path. If it doesn't work out for other reasons, then it doesn't work out. But it would be a shame to waste time on someone who only want to have fun.