First pregnancy and may have miscarried... Doctors can't confirm... Pain, cramping, spotting, low hCH levels, and no fetal heartbeat at 10 weeks. No words to explain how hard this is...
Last year I noticed my period was late and I started to freak out I was 16 and I thought the world was crashing down. I took a test and it came back positive. I told my boyfriend and he left. I couldn't tell my parents. I felt really alone and then I realized there was life inside me someone I was meant to protect and be there for. As I was entering my second trimester I miscarried and I can honestly say I never felt that horrible in my life. And nobody knew so I had to keep acting like everything was alright. You're not alone, these things happen and they are difficult but all you can do is keep going.
Hey there. hugs love and support to you. I have been through 5 myself, and there is no question how hard it is. It is tough to talk to people about it. Tough to wrap your mind about what is going on, when the physical pain is a reminder of the loss you are suffering. Please please lean on us here, we are here for you!