I need perspective and advice. I have been married 11 years now in a tumultuous relationship. I am confused and trying to cope with several different issues at once. I am resentful about my situation but not normally a resentful person. To try and make a long story short, I have a very talented 9 year piano player and all around sweet child. My spouse is very dedicated to her training to the point that she abuses my daughter verbally, emotionally, and at times physically. On top of that we have never seen eye to eye on how piano even got started. Our relationship issues have been going on since we were dating but anything piano has compounded the tension and stress in our family to this possibly ending the relationship. My wife has many many good qualities but it has been very difficult to keep those in perspective and I have become focused on the negatives that are in our relationship. I feel my personal feelings have been run rough shod over and yet I am blamed for being anti-piano. She wont accept responsibility for how her actions and choices have caused me to not be very supportive which is what is angering her (among many things). On top of my personal issues with piano is the actual abuse/destructive anger that I have been standing up too. I hate feeling like I am walking on eggshells, the constant criticism, willful ignorance, destructive anger, and other negative emotions that storm through the family. I feel helpless because there is no perfect day. There is good and bad in each day but whenever something triggers her anger someone else is always to blame for her feelings. I do not know how to use my agency/choice to make powerful choices that seem to make a difference. I realize that I cannot control everything in life nor have it be perfectly the way I want it, but subconsciously I probably dont get that since I wait and hope for things to change.
I am a passive person by nature and have been in therapy for many years dealing with assertiveness, anxiety, depression, and other issues. I am happy to say that I have made wonderful progress in these areas and feel stronger through these situations. However I am frustrated and lonely. I am trying to improve myself and simultaneously trying to communicate changes I need her to make, feel my voids and lonliness in life, and having a hell of a time doing it.
I took a stand on piano recently that has locked us in a cycle of hot/cold anger. I set limits on how often and how long piano could be practiced and have ended practice early when she has gotten abusive with our daughter. The limits I set would be reasonable by most others standards and still show a support. It should be noted that my daughter loves piano and has no desire to quit, although she does not like the way mom treats her and ends up in her room every week crying from hurt feelings or punished by mom.
I feel like I should end piano because it is the main source of contention right now.. If one is going to suffer either way may as well remove the source. But stopping piano would be detrimental for my daughter who enjoys it.
There is no reasoning with my wife as far as I have been able to accomplish and will likely be an ''obstacle'' as she has put it, for the rest of our time together.
She refuses counseling, though she was the one to first demand it but quit as soon as the counselor focused on her instead of me. I find it to be much needed and don't know why I didn't think of this kind of therapy sooner......
It should be noted that the beginning of this week yelled at my daughter first thing in the morning. Yelled. Guess my daughter was hiding in her room for fun or sitting around instead of getting ready for school. But still. FIrst greeting in the morning. Followed by an hour of piano practice before school that wasn't satisfactory to her standards and was being overly critical. When the criticisms starting getting to my daughter to the point of whining/crying and focusing on the threats (no play dates) my wife hit her. I did not intervene until the 2nd time she hit her, multiple times for crying in the first place. I went in and ended the piano lesson and took my daughter to school. (I was home sick. Went to work in the afternoon) My daughter does her 2nd piano session after school 2+ hours every day, 7 days a week. (Until I set it at 6 days a week 2 hours tops. Im supportive) When I got home from work she was in her room from another session considered unsatisfactory with shredded paper everywhere. I thought she made a mess of her room. Turns out mom shredded every I-Love-You-Mommy letter my daughter had ever given her and dumped it in her room and said she didnt lover her if she didnt do what she said.
It is this kind of behavior towards her and towards me that is frequent and consistent and destructive, more than just being mad about something. I have had many times talked to her about how her actions have affected me and the family AND how she is responsible for her actions and feelings. She is an avoider when it comes to working things out AND she throws unrelated things in to spin it back on me. I learned recently to steer things back on topic but extended the opportunity for her to address those other 'issues' at a later time. EVERY time I have done this she said she did not want to talk about it. So I am at wits end, thinking I have done everything I could to try and make it work.
I dont want to end it. I am looking for coping strategies and perspective.
Too often today the solution is to just end the relationship and move on. In many cases that is applicable and that may be what is best in the end for me, but I do not wish to be the person who left when times got hard and if I just hung in there a little longer then understanding would have come, etc.
Theres more. Always more. But this should be enough to jump start what I need to here. Please be kind. I can handle bluntness but nothing mixed with condescending as I have seen on other sites threads. Thank you