Follicular NHL / Radiation

Hello, hope everyone is hanging in there. Have now had my 8th radiation treatment on the gland in my left groin. It was not too bad, I expected much worse. I am now feeling sunburned at the site, and have a bloated feeling in my bladder. The strangest side effect is that fatigue hit me like a ton of bricks on the afternoon of my last treatment. I just feel so very tired. But other than a little discomfort at the site and the fatigue, I feel pretty good. My nurse gave me R1 and R2 cream for the site and I have to say it is so cooling. 8 treatments down and 12 more to go. God Bless you all !! Cindy 7

Hey Cindy, I am glad you are doing so well, be very gentle with the skin in that area right now because the burn will get worse and you want to not loose the top skin. Hand wash and very gently. I also would forego wearing underwear so the elastic doesn't irritate the burned area. Also there are boxers in polyester that work too just a thought.

I guess I have forgotten what type of lymphoma you have but it sounds like you are doing well, I am happy for you. Take care and keep us posted! ((HUGS))

I hope u get to enjoy your time to relax & I hope u continue to do well;)