For the longest time, since about 5th grade (im in 8th grade now) ive stressed so much about my acne and rarely ever leave my house without makeup. I dont like going to friends pool parties or anything with water because im afraid of my makeup coming off and people seeing how bad my acne is. Ive tried everything, and for a while i think it starts to work, but then i get 6 active spots all over and then my self esteem goes down even more. Whats even worse is that people at school sometimes talk about me wearing makeup and calling me a cake face and all that. But if they knew what i had to go through everyday where i dont even like looking at myself in the mirror without makeup. I just want it to go away so badly, ive even bevome a vegan, for other reasons as well, but partly because it clears your skin. Im trying everything and i just want to be able to walk out of my house without makeup, and not have to cover my face with my hands at all times. Whats even worse is that i dont just have pimples. I have whiteheads, blackheads, scarring, everything. Im just sk insecure about almost everything on my body, and my family doesnt help either. They think i can just wash my face and itll be gone. But it doenst work tjat way, because trust me ive tried washing my face with a million things. No one in my school understands because i have the worst acne, out of everyone. Girls that get one pimple and think its the end of the world dont know how lucky they are. I just want it gone and to be happy with myself, for once
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What are you using now for products on your face? Sometimes over washing it can cause a break out to because you are taking the natural oils out of your skin which you need. Sometimes a good antibacterial soap, witch hazel, and a moisterizer for oily skin works great.
Do this:
Squeeze the lemons to take out the fresh juice in a bowl.
Add the honey to this lemon juice and mix well.
Dip the cotton ball in this mixture.
Now apply this mixture on your cotton ball to whole of your face or the area where you have acne scars.
Leave for about 10-15 minutes.
Wash off with water and pat dry.
This might help too.