Sometimes I get so frustrated with myself, when I don't understand something, I have a learning disability and have trouble comprehending things. I can't comprehend when I read books, or when I have paper work to fill out when I go to the doctor and it's just so frustrating when I am 24 yrs old and I can't comprehend those things. I had epilepsy as a kid and the seizures I had permanent brain damage, I learn slower, and can't comprehend things. I just been really down on myself and thinking I am so stupid. I had trouble making friends and I was bullied when i was in school. Though something I don't understand is I don't ever think anyone is stupid, except one person and that's myself, I am sooooo hard on myself when I don't understand and I wish I would stop! Is there anyone else that is willing to share there learning disability, I just feel so lonely and I feel like I am the only adult that has learning disability.
princess honey, your most definately not studpid...i know you get frustrated with yourself and your learning disabilities. you need to just easy does it hun. with your self and the tasks you have to do. i have to do the same but mine in physical so i know very much how frustratiing it can be. i get angry because i'm not like i used to to be and i just cry because it hurts. but come one now hun, we can help each other. we are'nt stupid we are just a bit slower than some and thats ok. much love to you sweetheart
Kathy, I know logically I am not stupid but sometimes I do feel stupid and it is so frustrating so sometimes I just need people to tell me I am not stupid, so thank you so much you are very sweet. I was actually feeling kinda bummed that no on replied to this post so you really made my night so thanks. Thanks for sharing about how you feel and that you can feel the same way kinda cuz of your condition. Let's help eachother and I do agree we aren't stupid were just slower then others and that is ok, but I will need many of reminders and reassurance of this. Thank again for your support you really helped me, and you made my night, and I don't feel lonely tonight. I just feel so loved and special. Thanks! I appreciate it and it mean a lot!
Much love to you too!
oh princess hun, i know what ya mean. its just that reassurance sometimes as we can get to feel so low emotionally and it affects our thoughts and actions to. so thank you also. i have found this site and many of the people on it to be just wonderful don’t you? i really get botherd if there is a post the goes unanswered for to long a time. that is something that you can do as well hun. check the support someone link. even if its about something you don’ t have or have experienced you can at least give a kind word. so glad i was able to help you hun, you do the same for me in your answeres
I am glad you know what I am saying. Yes I have found this site and many wonderful people on it and one of them being you! Yah I get really bothered when any post goes unanswered, and I so badly want to reply to the post but I am scared that I might say something wrong and that I will hurt someone and I don't have the confidents in myself that I am able to be a good supporter, I am trying to work on that though. And with your all of your replies and message you have helped me with that as well.
honey you can just say hi and acknowledge the post even if your not familiar with their particular issue. thats what i do…until someone from that group can jump in and advise. you go ahead hun, your just as good as anyone else on this site.