
Hello i am suffering from GAD based on the self tests i took online. I havent found a professional to help me with this yet. I am very much worried of losing the one i love because of this. Our relationship is very much affected by the little worries that i have of losing him to the point that he had enough of my whining already. He wants me to talk to someone else since he can no longer accommodate me because he has a board exam to pass. I completely understand his situation but i am afraid that what I did would make him be afraid of me and stay away from me...i really dont know what to do:,(

Hi, i understand how awful anxiety is as i go thru it everyday myself. What i sence off your post is that you are dependant on him. You have become so comfortable eing and doing things with him that you now feat losing him and worry about how you would cope if this happened. I understand how being dependant on someone is, i became dependant on someone and when they had a heart attack and a stroke, he became diasabled and he was taken away from me. He didnt die luckly, but he now lives somewhere different and i dont see him really anymore.

But what i will say (this is no way intended to mean that he will leave or the relationship will end, its simply making a point) is that when he was taken away, i felt like how am i going to cope. Well i coped and i got my independance back. I kinda felt empowered after a while that i could actully go into a shop without him. I know our anxities may be different but i can relate in some ways. I may be completely wrong about the dependancy, but i just wanted to share my story with you.

I do also recommend that you go to see a profession about the anxiety. I understand it will cause anxiety to go but its all for a good cause. You may find that it can actully really help you. Honestly, i dont know where i would be without a theripst. Seeing a theripst keeps me going. It is my support and guidence and i NEED it im my life. You may not need it like i do, but i think you can benefit loads from seeing one. What do you think?

Youre absolutely right. I am very much dependent on him. I rely on him for almost everything and now i can sense that he is becoming annoyed of it. He is now far away from me but we still text each other but i cannot and should not bother him with my problems because he has now a problem of his own thats why i sought for help here. Thanks:)

Its not that you shouldnt bother him with your problems. You can share your problems with him, just he wont be able to fix them. Only you have the power to do this.

Hi...I have had GAD and been through many issues dealing with anxiety relating to work not necessarily relationships. After reading your post, the comments from one day are very good. I also think that you should think about your own identity. Although I have never met you, You are a good person with many strong qualities....Everyone is, they just may not realize them. Think about who you are and what makes you who you are. Your relationship doesnt define you. Be the person you want to be and you will attract what and who you want in life. Good luck... Tom