Greetings to everyone and thank you all for your sharing and comments.
May today be that day that you choose to do the positive thing for yourself, whatever that may be? For me that would be not to take that 12 minute drive to our local casino. I had a friend / business partner who lost one and a half million dollars at that very casino. That fact alone has saved me who knows how much money…. but that alone is not enough to keep me from going back. I acquired this fun habit in 1991 and have been at odds and battling it on a daily basis ever since.

March 2011 and I am unable to meet my financial obligations. This has not happened for quite a while. This has not happened since my x and I took our debt to a staggering $126,000 six years ago. Luckily, she being mostly responsible, I did not have to go through the bankruptcy system. However, as you can see I continue to struggle with this and really have had enough.
I join this group in hopes of getting help and maybe being able to be of help to someone else. I hope that with all your help I can put a stop to this insane behavior forever. I AM ALSO LOOKING FOR A SPONCER
Thank you in advance for any and all feedback. May you have an addiction free day void of conflict and stress. O.G.

Hello there! Have you considered going to support group (GA) meetings or therapy to help you through this?

Hey, thanks for your response puppy dog lover.
I go to therapy every three weeks at the VA hospital.
I really like my therapist. She helps me stay on track and together we have gotten some positive work done. I guess I would have to say that I don't do too well with in person groups. Well, at least not with a certain particular GA group. I attended a GA group in Brookfield some 6 years ago and had a rather bad experience. I don't want to bad rap them so let’s just say that I found out some time later that one needs to shop around for a group to find one that fits their needs. I have attended other groups with much success. I was actually looking for a meeting and came across this site. After exploring it a little, I was hoping possibly to form some help relationships with some of the other members and see if that could maybe take the place of going to group meetings. I believe if I had someone like a sponsor who I could call when I felt the urge I would most likely do very well. I also think if I became a sponsor this would really have a positive effect and help me to be more rational and make better choices. I know this to be true because I am currently involved with helping other vet’s with obtaining housing, shopping, and counseling and that makes me do better with many of my other issues. I don’t know, maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree here… but if you don’t throw it out there you’ll never know, so again… ANY ONE OUT THERE INTERESTED IN BECOMING SUPPORT FOR EACH OTHER… GIVE ME A SHOUT!!!
Finally, thanks again for responding puppydoglvr. I’ve been looking and I can see you’re a thoughtful caring person. Those positive vibes made for a much better night, and are greatly appreciated. In turn, I send many positive vibes to you and wish you all the best…. Old Guy

OG, you are just too kind, thank you for your most wonderful words to me, they put a huge smile on my face...thanks so much for that.

I know that you will get through this and you are definitely in the right place for support. The group here is beyond wonderful; so caring and compassionate. Please write us anytime that you need us. As well, I am hoping that someone with direct experience will comment here and give you some good insight and information.

Please keep sharing. Sending you tons and tons of positive energy.

This is a request for help. I'm looking for someone to call in the event I feel like gambling. I blew it again last night. I finally got my fanny on craigslist, made a little money and blew it that very night. Think if I woulda had someone to call it may have diverted that stupid disaster. But if no one wants to step up, I more than understand. Who wants someone calling who needs to be treated like a 7 year old. Hopefully I can get to a meeting and get a sponsor soon... Thanks all, O.G.

I am here to help you! I too have a gambling addiction as well, please give me your number, so we can start talking… Steve

O.G., do you have a family member or friend that you can call to help you through such moments? As well, please come here and share with us whenever you feel that urge. If you come here and express what's going on, then that can deter you from your urges. And, how soon do you think you can start attending meetings?

Thanks PDL, No I don't. I really only have my kids, and they don't want to have anything to do with this situation other than get angry and make things much too unpleasant to want to be around.
However, I'm starting to learn that coming to this site is a good start and alternative to giving in to to my urges. As far as the meetings go, I plan to go back to that one meeting to see if it's changed any. If it has not, I will look for another.
Other than that, I have $1.93 left in my account, so gambling’s totally out of the picture until next month, when the battle starts anew.
I also posted my ph # for one of the members here to contact me. So, the saga continues and I look forward to the days ahead and the challenges they will bring.
Thanks again, truly hope all is well with you.

No problem..I am spending time with my family right now, I have 5 kids, and my little 4 yr old is begging for me to spend time with him, he is so used to me saying later, not now...later...because of gambling...I have put off way too many things in life for gambling...anyway I will call you soon, we have alot to talk about!

be well and be good until then!..If you feel the urge to Gamble, send me a email [email protected], and I will try to respond asap!

Have a GREAT DAY!!


OLD G, how are you doing? Just checking in to see how you are going. Hope you are well.