New on the site like slots for the past 10 years. Got in too deep. Cleared all my debts and went back today and a relative caught in the casino. Not good the screaming about how selfish I am My problem hurts alot of other people
hey ger, welcome to support groups, addiction is a b-----there are lots of great people on the gambling link. hoping you find what you need here. i could suggest ga meetings. others will no more angles as gambling is not my particular addiction.
If you've cleared all your debts you'd made through gambling, then reading between the lines, I'm thinking it's been awhile since you've been gambling.
So it sounds like at your first slip up a relative has basted you. Sounds like bad luck, or good luck depending on how you look at it.
Maybe, this was what you needed. Who knows.
Just don't beat yourself up to much over this slip. Just climb back up on the wagon, and start again.
You were bound to relapse at one point or another. I had a close family member who'd lost everything through the slot machines, and it's not as easy as just saying I wont do it anymore to just stop.
I'm in Australia, and we have gambling Anon over here. Just wondering if there are any support groups around where you are.
I know this site is pretty cool, and I imagine the group 'gambling' that you belong to, has a few members who understand first hand what you are going though.
I just thought I'd post and offer you my support, because no matter what demons in life we are dealing with, every single one of them is a *****, and I personally will take any support I can get.