Get a life already!

I generally don't discuss politics or religion with anyone because everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I just read another stupid post from a coworker on fb complaining about where President Obama stayed on his vacation and that he used our tax dollars. SHUT UP! Omg. I think he does it to get a rise out of me but it drives me totally nuts! Who doesn't go on vacation with hopes pf having the time of their lices? Get over it. He has posted it maybe 4 times and I keep finding myself telling him that he is an idiot. Do I just not respond anymore and let ignorant be ignorant? That is why I love this group. Fb has too much drama!

Like you said: everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You should not be upset, it is just an opinion.

Well, personally, I don't know if I am understanding this right or not but I understand the complaint to be that Obama used our taxpayer dollars while on vacation. Did I get that right? If so, I'd be upset about that as well.

/rant on

Personally, I am opposed to Obama. I don't like him as our president. He is pro-abortion which I absolutely hate considering that I am pro-life and he seems to want to defend certain rights that are not actually rights at all. For example, he seems to be attacking traditional marriage saying that the government will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act. I think that is wrong. Marriage is between one man and one woman only, not two men or two women.

/rant off

That's what I do. Just keep my mouth shut. I know it feels frustrating to let people like that just talk and "be ignorant" but for me, it's not worth the fight. ...You can't bring a knife to a gun fight. Good luck dealing with him.

oh lordy lordy what we could all say here. i think the best thing to do is just ignore these comments and just leave be. the more we dwell on agravating things the more we feel down. or if he does it all the time on fb just remove them from your news feed and you wont have to see anything from them unless you go to their page. hopes this helps

I agree. One thing I have learned is that you will never change somebody's political views. People do not want to hear the opposite side. They just want their opinions confirmed. That is why conservatives tend to watch fox and liberals ten to watch msnbc.

I follow politics a great deal. A few comments on parts of the posts.

1) Yes. Obama does use our tax dollars when he goes on vacation (security, etc). So did every other president. There is nothing new here but the opposition will make it seem like this is new and terrible. BTW, George Bush took over 800 days of vacation. I am not saying anything negative because I can imagine what this job does to a person;s health.

2) I do not think most people who support a woman's right to choose are pro-abortion. They are pro-choice. It is the woman's choice. I still do not understand that many people want government out of their lives but it is okay to have the government tell wether or not they should keep a baby?

Sorry...did not mean to start a political debate but I always try to see both sides....

thnx for the feedback and I am letting it go! To each his own.