"Get over it" "Move on". We have all heard these and I am su

"Get over it" "Move on". We have all heard these and I am sure more. My opinion is...people don't understand, maybe trying to lift you up or trying to say thwy don't want to hear it. I hate these phrases! We all have our own paths to healing from whatever os happening in our lives. There isn't a time limit. Our feelings are valid and it's ok to feel them. If someone doesn't understand, that's fine as long as they support you. Find people that support you and don't let these phrases get in the way of healing.

I posted this earlier but think I forgot to hit send lol.

1 Heart

"Getting over it" isn't something that happens by will. It happens by time and how resilient and sensitive someone is. It's as stupid as telling someone "Fast forward if you don't like this part of your life." How do I do that? There are some things I'll never ever get over. I never got over it and I will never move on. I'll just be a bit better at occupying myself with other concerns.