Getting Weighed

I have to get a physical as part of my medical release for a new job. I'm sure I will have to get weighed as part of this. My issue is that I haven't weighed myself since February. I know I have gained but I can only guess how much it has been. Does anyone have advice for getting through this? I'm afraid that knowing the number will trigger me terribly. I don't want to put the nurse and doctor or PA in an uncomfortable situation either though. Help!

It's kinda embarassing, I know, but honesty is really best... There's nothing at all wrong with saying that you'd rather not see the number and weighing backwards. If they want more of an explanation, you can always say you're in recovery. :)



I'm a medical assistant and I weigh people all day long. I don't know if it's just me because of the ed history and all but I try to be very sensitive to people's requests not to know the number. It's YOUR body and you have every right not to know the number if that's what you want. I say, let your request be made known!!

you can let them know that you want a blind weight or just casually say "I so don't need to know what that number is and ask them not to tell you' just make it light and casual... THATS WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE!

:) Yeah, one nurse figured out that I'm in treatment from my request. But another just laughed and thought, at my weight, that I was being ridiculous! LOL! Whatever... Just speak up! Be confident! :)