Going for a stem cell transplant

Hi all.

I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma in Jan '10. After 12 treatments of of ABVD, we were set to begin radiation. After an updated PET scan, we saw the cancer had resisted the chemo and spread. I'm now on first round of ICE. We are going to try three rounds, and if my body responds (praying it does), do high dose chemo and a stem cell transplant. Can anyone shed any light onto what the process is like? I'm very anxious to find out about it.

hi, sorry to hear that the cancer has spread, i had a stem cell transplant and for me it was very effective. The process felt long but i was not in physical pain, just uncomfortable at times. I was in isolation for about a month and they wiped out my immune system and rebuilt it, adding the stem cells. you sound like you have been through so much already, having a stem cell transplant will be a piece of cake for you! im praying for you and if you need to know anymore feel free to ask Alannah x

Wow- we are SO similar! I wish it was in a more fun way of course. But we can def. related. I reacted amazingly to ABVD, went in for my PET to get radiation going, and yup got the "bad news call". ICE was one option to try, but I'm doing another one that I'm blanking on right now...after 2 treatments I was already showing a decrease in activity in the tumors. So happy thoughts going your way! I'm off for my stem cell in 2-3 weeks. I wish I could say more about what it's like, but I just wanted to let you know there's someone in the same boat as you. I'm 25, got married Jan 30 2010, by mid February i pretty much knew I had cancer. I don't know where you are getting your transplant done at...I'm going to be at the Mayo Clinic, they gave me a very extensive, clear binder on the whole process, and a movie. Keep asking people on blogs and stuff as well.....googling tends to freak you out...does me anyway. It's a lot easier to hear it from actually survivors of them. Bottim line: Stem Cell treatments WORK. I've seen them work.. and they're going to work for us!!!

The ICE treatment is difficult, I just got through with my first week of it. I'm just praying that it's working for me.

Thank you guys for sharing your stories, I appreciate it!

Hi All,

I had a stem cell transplant in March of this year. Not to minimize the procedure, but it was really easy. The hardest part was the isolation period---3 weeks in the hospital and then 2 weeks of strick isolation at home. No dog, no plants,dust every day, wash sheets everyday, no fresh veges, no restaurants, etc. But after 3 weeks at home some of those limitations were lifted.

It's a small price to pay if the stem cell transplant works. My first 3-month CAT Scan was normal, now I will have another CAT Scan in mid-October and hope that all is well again.

Good luck to you, and keep us posted.


Hi BobbieD:
Which one of the transplant did you have?


First, I am truly sorry you have to go through all of this but the good news is the stem cell transplant works! I had mine in Sept 09 and as of today no sign of any cancer... Actually I have PET scan scheduled for the 19th to check back in...
I had to have the 7 day chemo option and I have to admit, it wasn't a bed of roses. Had to stay in isolation for 21 days and very cautious when I got home (I have 2 kids and 2 dogs and a husband). There's alot they don't tell you but I am sooooo happy I did it, I am alive today because of it! Please ask me any questions you want, I will be completely honest but not scary...

Hey all,

I was diagnosed stage 3A back in March. I had 3 cycles of ABVD and had a partial response. I am going for my second round of ICE tomorrow actually. I know what you are going through, and it seems like all of you are the only ones who can relate to me as well. I'm 24, have a career and the works, and I'm scared, But the ICE treatment is supposedly very good, and the stem cell transplants are , form what I've seen, pretty effective. So hang in there, cause there's people out there who understand and are pulling for you!

Hi All, have had two stem cell traansplants one in 2006 with my own cells after many rounds of chemo(dont remember what kind) After 3 weeks my symptoms were back and testing showed it was back. The next thing was to continue chemo, and look for a doner. My siblings were tested and both sisters were a match. Yay so started preparing for the transplant high doses of chemo to wide out your cells, and to be honest it really was not bad. There was one thing that I did suffer some what with my stomach, I had diarrhea for many many days and was very uncomforable. But again Stem Cells do work it I am in remission since november of 2006 ! Ask many questions if you have questions you need to advcate for yourself, and family members as well, cause we all now cancer doesn't only change your life but it effects your loved ones as well. Good luck I wish you the best. God Bless