good afternoon, How is everyone coping with their stress today? How many people wish their therapists would be more confrontational and ask direct questions instead of weeding out information in an indirect way?
not much experience with therapists. How would that work? I thought that therapists basically do ask questions and then you answer. Like I said my track record with therapists is not the best. :)
I don't, but if I did, my therapist would do that for me I think. He's pretty good about being willing to adapt.
I have experience with my counselor not asking questions, and I thought I would prefer if she was more direct, but then I also had sessions with someone who was very direct, so much so that she didn't stop staring into my eyes, it wasn't good at all! It was a disaster! Now I'm seeing someone who changes the techniques, she helps me to be tuned to my imaginative, unconscious mind, and I think she is amazing!!!
Yes , my therapist is always like how are you doing, are your feeling down well maybe you should do this. It's so irritating. Ask me what's wrong !!!
I think lilyamsin has the right idea. When my therapist asks me indirect questions she's trying to get me to keep talking and not limit what I might say. She does ask direct questions too though, so I don't feel the frustration you do. I have realized after almost 3 years with the same therapist that I have to just tell her when I'm having any kind of problem with our sessions or something she's doing. She is always willing to hear me out, and we change things to meet both our needs. Hope things work out better for you. Just be honest!
Sometimes a counselor will weed around the bushes in order to pull your mind through a train of thought. The reason behind this, is because if they were to go right for the source. Two outcomes occur. The mind accepts the truth. Drastically changes the persons point of view, or two, The mind rejects the truth and burrows deeper into its shells of isolation, anger, loneliness, or self hatred. A counselor needs to do the round about thing, in order to not accidentally force the negative response to the truth. When you are in touch with your own feelings and thoughts, and are able to express how you feel, the direct approach works much better. Cause the counselor KNOWS how you feel, cause you've expressed it, His opinion then can be more, one of objective clarity. Simply my opinion and experience with counseling. Just had my session today. Feel like a million bucks. My counselor and I are very direct. No bushwackin!
I think therapists can use both approaches. It depends on the patient's mood, his/her open-mindedness, his/her ability to think in abstract terms, which most of psychology is, and how strong the patient is. Then there is the direct/feels confrontational approach which is bad. Then there is the direct/gentle and kind approach, which is great. My therapist and I are in sync to the point that we get the same insights at the same time and sometimes finish each other's sentences. I originally planned to be a counselor in high school, so I 'get' the psychological theories, etc. So we can talk more directly than maybe some patients can. I like direct, too. Also, my therapist starts up at an appointment exactly where we left off at the last appointment. I like that, too.
@Spacergirl Nice!!
My anxiety and stress is a little high today. I've been worried about a friendship. I care a lot for this person but almost too much. I know it's best to give space but it scares me to be alone without her. She's not my girlfriend but she's as close as one at this time. I really don't want to screw this up. Keeping distance is what makes me anxious. I just want to be a better friend and sometimes it means to give people time and space but I can't help racing thoughts and being paranoid.
Danny_K22, it sounds like you need to work on the causes of your anxiety so as to not ruin the friendship. I have made the mistake of leaning on friends to the point that they disappear. It was painful for me.
Lilyamsin, at least the therapist was asking you what is working instead of just cramming her method of therapy down your throat regardless of whether it was helping. PigfaceMcGee, hope you're doing ok.
Therapy is not such a big thing here! It is called counciling and charged privately by people who could afford to pay for the course.
I think this site is far better than therapist's that have never been in deep depression.
Again, just my opinion.
From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder