Good Afternoon. The best COPD Treatment, for smokers, is to

Good Afternoon.
The best COPD Treatment, for smokers, is to Quit Smoking!

4 Hearts

Amen to this thanks Mike for this great reminder. xo

1 Heart

@Jennipain You’re welcome. Amen to those of us who would join the non-smokers and also stay non-smokers. Then by following a few simple techniques like regular breathing exercises from pulmonary rehab or even a youtube video, breathing can improve for many years to come. However, continuing to smoke only leads to needing oxygen treatment more often. Thank you for replying! Take it easy! 'Til next time…

What a good quote! Thank you so much for sharing!

2 Hearts

@Justwanttobeloved You’re welcome. I’m glad you like it. Because even with inhalers and breathing medication, if someone with COPD continues to smoke, their breathing will decline. Thank you for your reply. Enjoy yourself and have fun. Talk later.