Good day up until about 12 o'clock when i started getting pa

Good day up until about 12 o'clock when i started getting paranoid. I sat in front of this gay guy in my class i was paranoid he was staring at me,so when i turned to check i started thinking that i wanted to look at him. The thing is there is a girl i like talking to my mind shifts of ocd while i am. Otherwise im doing good.

Secondly,for any new people here dont watch porn

Lastly,write your thoughts down and read them over and over until they dont cause you anxiety

Just remember, he might just have been looking, or even if he was digging how you look, he can't turn you Gay! Keep a little humor about the situation, no matter how hard it gets!

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)