ok so i called my doc office because i couldnt hardly breathe and wanted to puke. she gave me an ultimatum come in or go to hospital. so i came in and saw a nurse practitioner. i got in trouble because im not taking my controller medication. she also told me to take allergy meds every day. my oxygen was good and i got away from what was causing it so i think the rescue inhaler opened me up. i know she kind of felt bad for me because i was shaking and she said she was almost done listening to my lungs and she knew i was probably scared. i felt like a child being scolded and then comforted by her mother, it was kinda nice that she was so caring. i have got to take care of myself. partially it has to do with my ocd. like i will take my med late sometimes so then i have to stay up late to take the second dose and then i end up not taking it. she said i have an hour lead way so if i take it at 11 i can take it at 10. that made it feel easier . so ladies and gentlemen i gotta do better for myself.i am going to cuz them doctors visits are high.
Ashley, I am so sorry for what you went through, though I am happy that you are doing okay after seeing the nurse. I think that you needed a bit of tough love and it's good that the nurse gave you some, as she only has your best interest at heart. Can you set an alarm to remind yourself when to take the meds? I set reminders for just about everything these days.
i tottally agree with you puppy it was nice to know she cared. good idea on the alarm will have to do that. know what u mean life is busy busy busy need a reminder sometimes. how are you hun?
Hi Ashley, I am doing well, thank you so much. How are you doing with taking your meds now? I hope that all is well.
well i would like to lie and say good but im being bad again lol. i need to check to see if my alarm clock still works the kiddos got ahold of it and did some damage. if it dont ill have to get a new one payday.
My dauhgter is on Advair twice a day and then Albuterol inhaler as needed, we also have a Nebulizer machine for when she gets colds or respiratory infections.
It says on the Advair twice a day, she fluctuates on the times she takes it. Sometimes in the summer she sleeps until noon then takes her first dose, then at bedtime it could be anywhere from 10 pm - 1 am and she takes it right before bed whatever time that is.
I don't know what controller you are on but if it is Advair you can just take it right when you get up and then again when you go to bed. usually it is a twice a day controller.
If my daughter exercises or runs a lot she then needs to use her inhaler. Do you have an inhaler to use when you feel an attack? If not ask your doctor for one. I am surprised if they did not give you one for active asthma.
also ask for a nebulizer machine as well for when you get colds/flu etc. If your asthma is always active and not just seasonal, your insurance should pay for these 3 things.
Ashley, I am so sorry that you are not doing well. Do you have a calendar or alarm on your cell phone? I put just about everything in my calendar and then an alarm via my cell phone gives me reminders. It's so fantastic.
courage thank you for the advice and the information. i will definately look into that. i take flovent it is like advair. puppy thank you for the idea hun. i dont have a cell phone but i am getting on a better routine now and taking my meds! so doing alot better. thanks ladies. :)
Ashley, I am so happy to hear that you are doing so much better with taking your meds. Also, if your oven has a timer on it, that's another option.
you have the greatest ideas puppy! i wish you and i were closer to eachother i have a feeling we would be the best of friends!
We would absolutely be the BEST of friends for sure. I really do wish that we were neighbors because I would come over for fun, silly times, advice, etc :-)
right and i could visit you as well. do you live in the united states?
Happy Friday Ashley? How are you doing and feeling today? Any fun weekend plans? My door would always open for you, we'd have the best times together. I live in California.
thats awesome! my husband use to live in california. he lived in costa meca. freaken awesome i know a california chick! lol. you are to sweet!
Ashley, you are too great! How are you doing and how was your weekend? I hope you had a very relaxing one. Mine flew by too quickly, not quite sure where it went.
my weekend went by fast as well. wish it coulda lasted longer. busy today. had to gory shop.
grocery. i cant spell lol
Well, the best thing ever is that we have so many more wonderful weekends to come :-) Hope your grocery shopping went well and that you are feeling good. Sending you big hugs & lots of love.
Hi. I just joined the group today. I feel that I already know you all and for the problems you are having, I am sorry. However, I do understand. I need support and I am so willing to be a friend. I feel very alone. I had respiratory failure last year and have been doing very well. I teach so when school started back 3 weeks ago, my symptoms did too. I have been on prednisone twice. Friday I had a full blown attack by the time I got to the dr. We changed some meds but i just get shaky like you all were talking about. I can't wait for us all to be on together and chat. You have already helped me. May God bless each of you.
thank you for your response and welcome to support groups. i hope you are and will do alot better. isnt it so weird how so many different things can affect or trigger your asthma?