Guys herpes is 100% curable! I found out I had hsv2 Months Guys herpes is 100% curable! I found out I had hsv2 Months

Guys herpes is 100% curable!! I found out I had hsv2 Months ago and ever since I've been doing a lot I mean a lot of research !! I'm not going to let herpes win and ruin my LIFE !! The only way you can cure it is by eating a RAW food diet nothing but FRIUTS AND VEGETABLES and SEAFOOD. I stated my raw food diet n so far I'm doing good ! You can't eat fast food that's feeding the herpes ! the government don't want to cure herpes because they make money off the pills ! It's all about the money they don't care about us! Like I said IAM going to cure mySELF !

My son became a vegan and he hasn't had an outbreak since. DMSO is also good for it. .....but the govt. won't approve it. You can look up Dr. Stanley Jacobs and his research with dmso if you want more info. Good for you not letting it rob you of your life.

Not having outbreaks vs not having the disease are two very different things. There is NO CURE

3 Hearts