Had an awesome night last night. However I'm emotionally drained. Is it possible that people with social anxiety can get exhausted after a night with a large group of friends. I also for the first time didn't have a drink so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it also. I didn't go to alcohol for the first time in my life. That has always been my safety net. I've never experienced this until last night when I got home. I was tired all day had a family photo this afternoon and was in bed by 9pm (it's 1150pm now).
5 Hearts
I know anxiety does drain me, so it probably did the same for you. I think you are right that the no alcohol had something to do with it. It's the right thing to do though (imo).
@Anas76 ok I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets like this. This was a new experience for me which causes exhaustion.
Good for you staying away from the alcohol, great job.
1 Heart
@turbulence thank you. Having my two close friends there really helped a lot.