Has anyone ever heard of drug-induced diabetes?
That's what I've been told I have.
I had to be on a steroid (prednisone) for a bleeding disorder (ITP). Well, the steroid did not work. So they had to remove my spleen. That was in 1990. Now I have complications from diabetes.
When I first got diabetes, mistakenly thought it meant an early death sentence. As I found out more about it, it didn't seem so bad.
Now that I have complications, it sucks!!!
What complications are you having?
Diabetic retinopathy, which makes my already bad vision worse.
Peripheral neuropathy, which is loss of feeling from my knees down, and some loss of feeling in my hands. It also causes extremely dry feet,
And balance probs for me.
Just being diabetic can make you slow at healing. Skin infections are particularly troublesome. Lost 2 toes as proof.
It may play a hand in my heart didease.
are you diabetic?
Oh. How could I forget nerve pain. It's everyday but taking b12 helps.
@Arthurseekin4love go away spammer