Has anyone experience this . Like you forgot how some of you

Has anyone experience this . Like you forgot how some of your stuff went during you having hocd. Like you remember than ocd messes with it and now you can't figure out if it right or wrong or you just don't remember it . Sometimes I use the beginning of my ocd to show myself I wasn't always calm and I did freak out but now I can't remember half of the stuff I went through during the beginning of my ocd

I'm the same, now I feel like I am actually a lesbian and it upsets me that I might never go back to the way I was. So I always think how bad my ocd was when this first happened, sometimes it's like I can't remember how bad it was, and sometimes, I don't know if it's still ocd, but I feel convinced that I made it all up, but In sure I didn't! You're not alone

Omg that is exactly how I feel. Idk if it because Iam learning to deal with it and recover from it , is that the same for you

Yeeeees. I often can;t remember a lot of things. I try to write as much dowb but even when I read back over it i'm like what was I talking about there?

Yeah!!! I hope I'm straight becaue right now I feel no hope! Im always replaying in my head how bad I was! But now I don't know, sometimes I wish it was that bad again so I could know it ocd!! I'm also dealing with what I am hoping is TOCD, which is worse and just feels different in a way, I hope it's not real! Do any of you have any advice on this? Or have you expierenced this? Thank you.

Yeah I hate it now because with everything I am so calm even when I got out and I see a girl look at me Iam calm so doesn't feel like ocd no more . Like right now I'm about to go out and I feel like Iam dressing up for girls but I just tell myself I just don't want none seeing me a being ugly lol .nah I haven't experience tocd I imagine myself with a penis but I wasn't focusing on it because I was focused on being gay . So like does this mean Iam close to recovery when nothing bothers me I just feel gay and I hope Iam not happy about it

I would say you have overcome a huge part of your OCD if your obsession is not causing you any anxiety anymore. Whats left is just irrelevant thoughts that have no mening.

Yeah I just get the sexual images and thoughts to where Iam like I already been their through this n the dumb feelings . I'm trying to get over I like hAving ocd feeling

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)