Has anyone here ever had a commitment phobia?

Has anyone here ever had a commitment phobia?

3 Hearts

Not exactly, but I have known people with that fear. In my opinion there is no reason to be afraid of commitment. Dont worry about that you"ll be okay.

@raquelara94 but don’t you ever worry that your not dating the person your supposed to be with? Like your wasting time with the wrong one?

what exactly scares you about the commitment? If you can break down the fear, it begins to make sense.

Not precisely, I don't think it's really the commitment that I fear, it's the vulnerability and the fact that I can hurt someone/myself by things i do or feel and they can hurt me too. I'm really, really not comfortable with being that vulnerable to someone.

2 Hearts

@Northguy so do you struggle with long term relationships? Or do you have a fear of letting anyone get close?

relationships are a risk, but the alternative is loneliness. What scares you more?

1 Heart

@LittleBlueBird it’s just the fear of getting hurt again. To go through the suffering of a heartbreak. I love him but I struggle to let him in. I’m like this with everyone. But he can tell because he’s with me a lot, the part that hurts is that I’m actually hurting him.

Im a serial cheat for that exact reason. Soon as it gets too deep ill cheat x

@NoLoveLostNoLoveFound25 do you have a pattern? Like say you always do it around the 6 month mark? Do you know why scared you before you went and cheated?

No like if I feel like I'm falling in love head of hills I cheat because I get scared of attachment and getting hurt. I wouldn't time it . It's also if I felt I wasn't being given enough sex when I wanted it or affection. I'm a needy person in that way x