Have way too much energy is the morning due to my meds and o

Have way too much energy is the morning due to my meds and only a few things can calm me down if anything. Sucks.

2 Hearts

I'm the same way. Smoking weed helps me calm down. But I know everybody is different.

3 Hearts

Yes! Smoking is probably the only thing that calms me. Have to do it every morning after I get done what I need to get done (sometimes the energy is useful lol) but most of the time gives me bad bad anxiety and I can't stop talking. But a bong rip or 5 usually calms me down a tad lol.

1 Heart

Hahaha. Do you take any meds for anxiety? Because my anxiety is as bad as yours but, ever since I started taking Paxil, I've been able to think through it more logically.

1 Heart

I take Largactil occasionally for anxiety but I would rather have weed. I hate prescription drugs and the fact my doctor is pushing them on me and judging me for smoking over being a brain dead sedated zombie who struggles to work and focus on that **** he prescribed me.

1 Heart

@adriannahibbs I take Wellbutrin, lamictal and gabapentin. None help with the anxiety but the gabapentin is supposed to lol

Gabapentin never helped me. I take Paxil and I love it. It makes a huge difference in me.