-having a difficult day :(

-having a difficult day :( -I think I'm just really over tired. No minor aches n pains too.

1 Heart

Just take it a min at a time. Is there a friend you can call who is understanding?

@letthelightshine - thank you! -one minute at a time sounds about all I can do :)!! -no friends unfortunately. Just my great group of friends here on SG! -I’m going to take a bath n then lay down n listen to my sound machine! - :slight_smile:

we all have difficult days. but take heart, ur name is "hopealways"

@Lolcat3000 -lol yes it is, and that’s what keeps me going n moving everyday. I haven’t had such a bad day like this in a really long time. I’m going to be kind to myself n take a bath ! -that usually helps!

@java -thank you! -I needed to hear those words!

@java -thanks, my friend! -hugs are just what I need!! :slight_smile:

Sleep deprivation can cause us to feel completely overwhelmed anger sad and any other emotion you can think of. Take a nap if you can and feel better :)

@Rewindit -your absolutely right, when I have a number of days in a row with poor sleep, I’m a mess. ! -definitely going to bed extra early tonight. Hoping that will help!

I can go to bed early and not sleep good every night fibromyalgia causes so much illness I wish you well my friend God bless

1 Heart

@pookins -thank you, planning a nap!!

Hugs hope <3

1 Heart

@newyork -thank you! -hugs do help!! -I felt good yesterday -so of course, I over did it lol. Back to exhausted today -planning on a nap soon! :slight_smile: