Having herpes is not that bad like everyone trying to make i

Having herpes is not that bad like everyone trying to make it seem smh...

3 Hearts

I was diagnosed a few days ago. what do you mean it's not as bad. My mind is going every dark place right now.

3 Hearts

@movingfoward its not that bad its only and skin condition

It gets better! Way better! I love a normal life just 3 months after diagnosis. Just try not to dwell on it. Remember you're the same person. Stress just makes it worse so always try to have a positive attitude. Life moves on :)

4 Hearts

Thank you all so much for everything. I feel like the only time I can take my mind off of it is when I'm asleep. And the second I wake up I can't help but feel down again.

@movingfoward I was like that for months but this website really helped me