I was a victim of rape 4 years ago. It was an absolutely horrifying experience for me.
I am just now able to talk about it.
I didn't want to have sex for a short time, but I wanted to forget about it ASAP.
My ex-husband on the other hand, did not want to touch me. He saw me as filthy because I, UNWILLINGLY mind you, was "with another man". It was definitely the turning point in an already failing marriage.
Was wondering if anyone had a similar experience with their significant other?
I am so sorry that the person who was supposed to be there for you through the thick and thin would not stand by you. it is terrible. the pain must be immmense. but i really believe you will find someone who would. there was something WRONG in the head with your husband to perceive you as 'filthy' for being raped.
i am sorry, but he is the 'fithy' one who hates women. he made an exception in your case, but he would abandon you emotionally because of no reason at all, and all the reason to stand by you, to support you, to be there for you, to stand up for you.
it makes me angry and someday it will make you angry too and it won't hurt anymore. problem is that **** time has to pass.
Yeah, I left his ass almost 3 years ago. He told me in the heat of one of our last arguments that I deserved to have been raped. He got slapped in the face for it and I got my ass beat. He’s a loser.
I have a good man in my life now. He is so preotective of me, and I love it.
I am over the trauma, I’m not sure why I couldn;t talk about it until recently. I am still shamed by what happened and I know I shouldn’t be.
the thing i most commonly have run into with opening up about it is that when i start dating a guy and feel secure enough telling him about it, he seems to lose interest or gets scared off thinking im gonna claim rape on them....i know there are people out there who claim "rape" even if they weren't.
I've had a similiar situation with an ex (he was a **** too) We dated for 4 years and i was raped 5 years before we started dating, when i finally got comfortable to tell him about it he decided that i should just want to have sex all the time because i've done it with a complete stranger. I was raped when I was 8 years old. All i knew was that it was wrong and that it hurt. It still hurts me inside today to think about it. But im trying to slowly overcome that. That isn't who we are. Yes, we were raped. But were not the poor little raped girls that are filthy and worthless. We are strong women with a great support system here!! What i've learned from it is not to trust everyone you meet, and to make sure your always with people you know, and that every now and then when you get to thinkin and start to cry, a little ben and jerrys ice cream will do the trick! (usually) I hope this helped!!!
I'm so sorry that happen to you, it breaks my heart. I'm glad you are now able to talk about what you went through. Glad your ex husband is your EX. He sucks. There are so many bad people out there, ugh!!!